
US stops threatening tariff increase in EU Airbus battle

Copyright Getty Images Image by image U.S. imports of Scotch whiskey fell 33% after tariffs were imposed last year The US has said it will threaten $ 7.5 billion (£ 5.75 billion) worth of tariffs on European and British goods it solves as a penalty for subsidies for Airbus aircraft. …

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NBA bubble to allow family and ‘friends’ in

Which of LeBron’s kids will watch the most games? Photo: Joe Robbins / Getty Images Until this early, star-cross basketball season is over, Vulture will be checking semi-regularly for events in the NBA bubble. Did you hear that bright popping sound? It’s the sound of the NBA bubble making something …

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Last decade, the earth was the warmest on record, exposing to the grim reality of climate change

Last year saw devastating wildfires burned by Australia; large regions including Europe, Japan, Pakistan and India experienced deadly heat waves; nearly 100 tropical cyclones created destruction; glaciers and ice ice continued to melt at unsettled levels; and droughts and floods destroyed vital crops and infrastructure. Among the most important findings …

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