Quantum laser light shines on a chemical molecule that we want to measure. Then light passes our “magic” quantum filter. This filter discards a lot of light, while condensing all the useful information into weak light that eventually reaches the camera’s detector. Credit: Hugo Lepage Scientists have discovered that a …
Read More »Get to know the sweat: scientists solve the mystery behind body odor | Science
Scientists have unraveled the mysterious mechanism behind the armpit’s ability to produce the pungent odor of body odor. Researchers at York University traced the source of the armpit odor to a particular enzyme in a certain microbe that lives in the human armpit. To demonstrate that the enzyme was the …
Read More »The coronavirus vaccine is tested on thousands of volunteers in the United States.
Issued on: 07/27/2020 – 13:54 The world’s largest COVID-19 vaccine study began Monday with the first of 30,000 planned volunteers who helped test vaccines created by the US government. There is still no guarantee that the experimental vaccine, developed by the National Institutes of Health and Modern Inc., will actually …
Read More »Ultra-precise measurements powered by quantum negativity: “Very counterintuitive and really amazing!”
Quantum laser light shines on a chemical molecule that we want to measure. Then light passes our “magic” quantum filter. This filter discards a lot of light, while condensing all the useful information into weak light that eventually reaches the camera’s detector. Credit: Hugo Lepage Scientists have discovered that a …
Read More »Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine is tested on 30,000 volunteers in the U.S.
The world’s largest Covid-19 vaccine study began Monday with the first of 30,000 planned volunteers who helped test vaccines created by the US government. There is still no guarantee that the experimental vaccine, developed by the National Institutes of Health and Modern Inc., will actually protect. The Proof Needed: Volunteers …
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