
Dow Futures, global stock rally awaiting coronavirus vaccines

Wednesday’s market minute Global stocks rise as coronavirus vaccine progresses, but mounting tensions between the United States and China keep gains under control. Moderna says the mRNA-1273 vaccine test triggers the antibody reaction in all 45 participants, opening the door for a larger study. President Donald Trump ends Hong Kong’s …

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Apple Wins Appeal Against $ 15 Billion EU Tax Bill

The second highest court of the European Union ruled on Wednesday that the Commission had not proven that the company had received illegal state aid from Ireland through favorable tax arrangements. The European Commission, Europe’s highest antitrust authority, said in 2016 that the Irish government had granted Apple (AAPL) an …

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Wearing masks can control Covid-19, says CDC director

TThe two stylists in Springfield, Missouri broke the fundamental rule of infection control: Despite having respiratory symptoms, one went to work and saw clients for eight days, when he learned that he had tested positive for Covid-19. His colleague also developed symptoms, three days after his co-worker, and also continued …

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