Based on the classic Carlo Collodi story, the feature follows the extraordinary journey of a wooden boy who is magically brought to life by the wishes of a father. Set during the rise of fascism in Mussolini’s Italy, del Toro’s Pinocchio is a story of love and disobedience as Pinocchio struggles to live up to his father’s expectations.
“After years of following this dream project, I found my perfect partner in Netflix,” said del Toro, who directs with Mark Gustafson (Fantastic Mr. Fox). ‘We’ve spent a long time on a remarkable cast and crew and have been blessed by continued support from Netflix to quietly and cautiously approach soldier, hardly missing a beat. We all love and animate with great passion and believe that it is the ideal medium to tell this classic story in a whole new way. ”
Main photography began last fall at ShadowMachine’s studio in Portland, OR, and production has continued during the pandemic.
Del Toro and Patrick McHale wrote the script. The lyrics are by del Toro and Katz, with music by Oscar winner Alexandre Desplat, who will also write the score. Gris Grimly created the original design for the Pinocchio character. The movie’s dolls are built by Mackinnon and Saunders (Equally broad).
Pinocchio is produced by del Toro, the Jim Henson Company’s Lisa Henson, ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley and Corey Campodonico, as well as by Exile Entertainment’s Gary Ungar; it is co-produced by Jim Henson Company’s Blanca Lista and Gris Grimly. Other credits include production manager Melanie Coombs, co-production designers Guy Davis and Curt Enderle, animation supervisor Brian Hansen, puppet supervisor Georgina Hayns, photography director Frank Passingham, art director Rob DeSue, and animated editor Ken Schretzmann.