Cat friendly? How to make rap-paws with your cat


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A team of psychologists from Sussex and Portsmouth universities have clarified the art of making bonds with cats.

A new study published in the journal Nature, “The Role of Compressed Cat’s Eye Movements in Cat-Human Communication” Scientific reports, Has shown for the first time that it is possible to reconcile with a cat using eye compression techniques. This human eye compression produces something called a cat’s smile – called a ‘slow blink’ and it makes a human more attractive to a cat. The compressed eye movements in cats are somewhat parallel to the actual smile in humans (Duchenne smile), as well as the compressed eye movements given in positive conditions in some other species.

A team led by animal behavior scientists Dr. Susmin Humphrey and Professor Karen McComb of the University of Sussex conducted two experiments. Earlier it was revealed that cats blink slowly at their owners, blinking more slowly than when they have no conversation. The second experiment, this time with a researcher from the psychology team instead of the owner, found that cats were more likely to reach the hands of the experimenter than to adopt a neutral one after a slow blink of an eye. Expression. Together, studies show that this slow blinking technique can provide a form of positive communication between cats and humans.

Study found:

  • Cats are more likely to blink than their owners when they are present in the room but do not deliver a slow blinking stimulus.
  • Cats are more likely to blink when an unfamiliar experimenter blinks slowly than when they maintain a neutral expression.
  • Cats chose to go to the experimenter after a slow blink on the cat rather than maintain a neutral expression.

Karen McComb, a professor at the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex, who oversaw the work, said: “Someone who has studied the behavior of both animals and owns a cat is able to show that cats and humans can communicate. This is something that many cat owners were already skeptical of, so finding evidence for it is fascinating.

“This study is the first research to experimentally investigate the role of slow blinking in cat-human communication. And it’s something you can try yourself with your own cat at home or with cats you meet on the street. It’s a great way to increase the bond you have with cats.” . Close your eyes a few times at a time, try to narrow your gaze as well as narrow your gaze at them. You will see that they respond in the same way and you can start a kind of conversation. “

Tasmin Humphrey, Ph.D. Dr .. A student at School of Psychology at the University of Sussex during work, who was the first author of the study, said: “Understanding the positive ways cats and humans interact can enhance public understanding of cats, improve cat welfare, and This study can tell us more about the socio-cognitive abilities of the species.

“Our findings can be used to assess the welfare of cats in a variety of settings, including veterinary practices and shelters.

“In terms of why cats behave this way, it could be argued that cats develop slow blinking behaviors because humans consider slow blinking to be positive. Cats may have learned that humans retaliate to slow blinking in response to slow blinking. It is also possible that blinking in a slow cat began as a way to disrupt intact cravings, which is potentially dangerous in social interactions.

Dr. Le of the University of Portsmouth. Lane Props, who co-supervised the work, said: “Studying natural cat behavior is certainly not easy so these results give a rare insight into the world of cat-human communication.”

How experiments will work

Two experiments were conducted to discover the importance of slow blinking in cat-human communication. The first experiment involved a total of 21 cats from 14 different homes. Fourteen different owners participated in the experiment. Of the cats, ten were males and 11 were females, with cats ranging in age from about 0.45-16 years. The experiments were performed at each cat’s home. The psychologist advised the cat owner on how to slow down the blinking. Once the cat was frozen in place, the psychologist asked the owner to sit about 1 meter away from the cat.

Experiment 2 included a total of 24 additional cats. Twelve cats were male and 12 cats were female, the cats are about 1-17 years old. The cats included in the final analysis were from 8 different households. In this experiment, a researcher unfamiliar with cats either gently glanced at the cat or adopted a neutral face without direct eye contact. The experiment also tested the context in which cats prefer to approach an unfamiliar experimenter, with the cat facing upwards from the palm of their hand when sitting or sitting directly against the cat. Both experiments were video recorded.

Cat Psychology – Current Context

In the new paper, the authors provide some context for their findings. The psychology of cats has not been studied as extensively as that of dogs, but what is already known includes:

  • Those cats show how to effectively attract human attention and manipulate it through ‘solicitation purification’.
  • Those cats can differentiate their names from other words, even when strangers call them humans.
  • Those cats may be sensitive to human emotional cues, and will scratch or butt in front of a sad-feeling owner.

“The Role of Narrowing Cat’s Eyes in Cat-Human Communication” Published by Tasmin Humphrey, Lena Props, Gemma Foreman, Rebecca Spooner and Karen McComb Scientific reports There is open access.

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More info:
Tasmin Humphrey et al, The role of cat’s eye narrow movements in cats – human communication, Scientific reports (2020). DOI: 10.1038 / s41598-020-73426-0

Provided by the University of Sussex

Testimonial: Cat-friendly? How to make rap-paws with your cat (2020, October 7 October) Retrieved October 7, 2020

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