Call Of Duty: Warzone will change as new games arrive in the series

Season 5 is about to launch, and Call of Duty: Warzone will continue to add content from future Call of Duty annual entries, developer Infinity Ward has confirmed. The free-to-play battle royale will be updated over time and will be tied to new entries in the Call of Duty series. Instead of switching from Warzone to a new battle royale game like we did with Blackout, we’ll be playing Warzone from here on out. Your progress does not have to be reversed when a new game is released.

In an interview with GamesRadar, Infinity Ward’s design director Geoff Smith explained that Warzone had always been designed as a standalone product and one that could be modified to keep pace with the series’ latest entries.

“Although Warzone is very closely tied to modern warfare, it was designed from the beginning as a game of its own,” Smith explained. “As the game continues to be updated over time, it will evolve and become tied to other games in the Call of Duty universe.”

The next Call of Duty has yet to be officially announced, although many rumors indicate that it will be another entry in the ongoing Black Ops series that will take place during the Cold War. Games of Call of Duty are usually released much earlier in the year they release in, suggesting that Activision is trying a new method to market their next title, perhaps using Warzone as a platform.

Season 5 of Warzone is set to launch later this week, with a pre-load for the massive patch already live for PS4 players. The new season will finally open the stadium for exploration, as well as introduce a new train in Verdansk allowing players to board it as it makes its way all over the map.

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