Call Of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare offer all these free items to Twitch viewers

Activision has launched a new campaign for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and the Battle Royale game Warzone, where you can get free games for just watching Twitch streams.

Now through August 19th, anyone who watches a streamer attending the event can get bonuses like XP with dual weapons, special stickers and calling cards. The most award-winning item seems to be the ‘Blast Check’ weapon charm, which requires you to see four hours of Modern Warfare / Warzone values ​​to unlock it. See the image below to learn more.

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How to access the free items

To be eligible to unlock the content, you must have a Call of Duty account – get one here. Next, you need to link your account to your Twitch account, which you can do here.

Existing Twitch users may need to link their accounts, and you can do so here.

Next, go to Twitch and search for streamers in the Modern Warfare and Warzone categories. The streams with the available bonuses will contain messages stating “drops are enabled.” Click on one of those and you are good to go.

You can view an overview of the bonuses and requirements below.

Modern Warfare / Warzone Twitch Bonuses:

  • 1 hour viewing – sticker ‘Smoke Up’
  • 2 hours view – 1 hour Double Weapon XP token
  • 3 hours view – Animated calling card for ‘Big Bang’
  • 4 hours view – weapons charm ‘Blast Check’

In other news, Activision is preparing for the announcement of this year’s new Call of Duty game, which is thought to be Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Recent teasers have suggested that Activision will continue to draw the curtain on this new game this Friday, August 14th.

2020’s new Call of Duty game was developed by Black Ops maker Treyarch and longtime Call of Duty-backed studio Raven Software.

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Spilet no: Call Of Duty Seizoen 5: Alles wat jo witte moatte

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