Susanita left the addiction clinic and the first thing she did was …


Susanita left the addiction clinic for almost a month. As soon as she got home, Orhan Murad’s daughter went to her beloved tattoo studio to get a new tattoo.

The scandalous singer closed an old inscription on her thigh, choosing to put a large drawing on it: a dove surrounded by flowers, writes Trafficnews. Many people get a pet dove tattoo against the forces of evil, as well as a symbol of redemption. The bird is also a symbol of love, loyalty, and family ties.

Susanita left the addiction clinic and the first thing she did was ...

On April 29, Suzanita even released a live video from the studio, and it became clear that she was accompanied by her mother, Shenay Murad. The Plovdiv woman shared with her followers some stories that she was in the company of her family.

Earlier this month, it became known several times in the media space that Susanita had discontinued her treatment and intended to stop playing music. However, she denied the news, saying that she was still in the clinic and had no intention of stopping singing, even if her new song was coming soon.

During her hospital stay, Ms. Murad also posted a sweet message sent to her boyfriend on the occasion of her anniversary.
