Ivo Tanev went to the hospital


Ivo Tanev caused a lot of emotion on social media with a recent post and a photo, which shows that he was admitted to the hospital. However, the reason for his hospital stay is not related to the dangerous virus that has spread worldwide.

The state of emergency, which has been in our country for just over a month, caused the need for assistance on many fronts, especially in our health system. Our popular television presenter has decided to help by donating blood regularly to MMA.

“PURGE DURING AN EPIDEMIC! I voluntarily donated blood to MMA for 3-4 months! And despite the epidemic, I did it because there are people for whom it saves lives. Because emergencies do not require emergency care. And I too I feel great after the blood donation. I have been examined, tested, clean. 🙂 Whoever has no problem donating blood, let him do it, “Tanev writes under the photo of his hospital bed.

His comments on his example were more than positive, one of which was probably very moving for Ivo Tanev, because it is from a woman whose life was saved some time ago by such a voluntary act. “Thanks to that person, my life was saved a while ago,” wrote Tanya Rhine.

Ivo Tanev went to the hospital

