Latina Petrova with two forecasts for K-19 in Bulgaria


The beloved Latina actress Petrova made her stage debut at the age of just 16, but not in a theatrical performance, but as a folk singer. Even after being admitted to the VITIZ in Prof. Stefan Sarchadzhiev’s class, she did not abandon music and singing. The actress told “Trud” how she was dealing with this difficult time for Bulgaria in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic. He also made a forecast for the future of the country.

– Latina, what helps you keep your spirits so alert today?

“I am making fun of: I turn on the radio and start dancing alone, I fantasize about fun things and I tell myself that it is noon and that humanity cannot be eliminated by some virus.” I start talking like this on my own and finish, dance and laugh, it’s easier for us artists, because as you start to smile to yourself and overcome sadness faster. So far I don’t feel mentally collapsed to need medication and tranquilizers. However, I regret that I cannot see my granddaughter and only look at her in my sky and say to my daughter: “Kiss her on the head with me.”

– Do you have colleagues who are depressed?
– Yes, that’s why they call me. I tell them: “This is going to happen, this is a summer flu that is going to happen!” The fear is great, it is a question of myself how to overcome it, because sometimes I am also sad, but when the younger colleagues call me, I also give them courage. I say, “Give me a good laugh now,” as I sing and start to laugh with a full throat.

“For the Furies, do you think it is very difficult to spend so much time at home?”
“I miss the talk and the slogan with colleagues and friends, so that someone can put something away. These meetings are, therefore, to exchange thoughts and gossip: did you understand the only one? … A handful of people are in our guild and we need to know everything with a smile. Otherwise, I think that now in this isolation, more divorces will take place or babies will be born because people will love each other a lot or separate. However, sooner or later we will all think that if we were just healthy and other things would be fine. We need more humility, not long for much, and perhaps this will give us a second chance to get out of the crisis.

– Do you have a personal recipe to fight viruses?
“I don’t have a day without an apple and lemons. In the morning, I start the day with lemon water and then I drink my fruit coffee. As I was with Dr. Emilova before and I learned that in the morning it is not good to start with an abundant snack, because then the body cleanses itself of toxins. Otherwise, I eat some meat, but I can cook lean meats like parsnips, spinach, and nettles, just with olive oil. It’s not about eating healthy, it’s about eating well, so I eat a little, but often, 5-6 times a day, because it’s good to be a little hungry.

– What activities did you indulge in in this forced isolation?
– In the morning, I always play 20 minutes of gymnastics and stretching. I don’t scream, I’m fine and then I shower. Now I found time to collect my poems because I had scattered them. I saw that he had more than 70 poems and wrote many valuable things, even Khagarov had said to me: “Hey, girl, put away this profession, you have a pen!”, But the vanity was stronger. For a long time I had the idea of ​​making an album with these verses and a CD of 13 recorded songs, including laughing with my colleagues on the roads of Bulgaria. I think it’s an album for friends because I still don’t have a public audience. At this moment I also read my favorite poets: I love Fotev very much, and I also read the books of Boryana Punchcheva, who is my friend and writes very fascinating.

– Now you and your husband do not stop together: do you sometimes wonder what is the recipe for such a long marriage?
– We are not fighting, even yesterday I thought about when we were not fighting for something. Usually they drive at home for financial reasons, and with us, there is no such thing. There is a bottle and we both put 200 levs in it. I forced it so that there was a row in the “duckling” and so each one pinched less for the market and, therefore, there is – took five more levs, no – you and similar disputes. I survived our marriage without unnecessary scandals and separation attempts, thanks to a rule I learned long ago: don’t do what you don’t want them to do. It’s also important to scratch a man’s ego sometimes, and when you do something, always tell him: you can, in addition to agreeing with him, and then adjust your opinion. (Laughs)

“What kind of wife is Latina?”
– The perfect wife: a cross between a paternal line and a Macedonian mother. My job is mainly in the kitchen, because every day it has to be cooked, which must be delicious and beautiful for the eyes, always with parsley on top. Separately, I once lied and took a steamer, which then cost five thousand levies, because the person who was making the demonstration sweated a lot and felt sorry for him. You just turned me around, it turned out to be hell and I finally paid for it. Now I clean everything with her, and my husband lies and I enjoy. However, I leave it to wash dishes and stretch.

“And what is the most romantic thing your husband has done for you?”
– The romantic thing was in our youth, then it was the great romance. Now after 45 years of marriage, what romance? My husband graduated from the Art Academy and used to buy me several works from his colleagues, and at home it was also full of his sculptures and paintings. He is also a great teacher and has made 13,000 tokens in our country. I know the exact number because we buy them together from Mihailovgrad in due time.

– You played a long time at the Satirical Theater. Which of your colleagues there had the best sense of humor?
– Konstantin Kotsev had the greatest and brightest sense of humor, God forgive him. He was very sweet, from the most ordinary event he made theater and played it. Kotsev, for example, told a joke: who would be where and what would he do when he retired. Kokanova’s crown also asked him to speak about it, and he said, “Crown, you will go to the churches and cry, Lord, forgive me, I am a sinner.” Kolyo Anastasov said to him: “You will go around the barracks and shout, boys, boys, do you train?” – “And how do you see me?” Asked Parzalev. “I see you from the Rila Monastery and the mothers and children will pass by and you will give them a ring, and in the afternoon, when you go on vacation, they will be told that the exhibition disappears in the afternoon.” Everyone in Satire was a hero and had a competition that would be more ingenious.

“Did you make your numbers?”
– Many times, the numbers did not end at all and everyone was preparing for the show, which would surprise the others, but most of them are a bit obscene … There was a Russian play, during which we all sat in the same table and we go one by one, but when he reaches a colleague and he gets up without asking for a finger … Everything alive escaped from the stage and there was so much laughter behind the scenes that it was heard in the room where people also laughed, This during a performance! The curtains had to be released because we were unable to continue.

– What role would she play with pleasure?
“If they do Doll House, I would love to play Nora Ibsen. Otherwise, I am not attracted to our series, which are filmed as one-day movies, because in life the spoken discourse is one and in the series the other.

– As an actress, can you tell when politicians lie?
“Yes, I know them very well because they lie!” Also, I am annoyed by your vocabulary, but this is something that will not go away anytime soon. According to his statement, it shows who is from what town and from which palace he is. I will not forget a phrase that a fighter said some time ago: “This award finally went where it is.” It is good for politicians, and not only, to learn to speak correctly. For example, the gene. I like Mutafchiyski how he speaks because I love the frugal statement with few sentences. I like Boyko too, he’s popular, but use the right words.

– Do you regret that Stoyanka Mutafova did not get along well before you left?
“Everything was already behind us, I think she had already forgotten it, so she didn’t want to delve into anything. Peace of dust, although it may be silent there, because it has put a lot of nerves in this life. I don’t know how happy he was, but the intelligent and thinking person cannot find true peace and happiness, the class that fantasizes them, and she was a wise man! I am not angry with anyone because I know that our path has been drawn, as Vanga told me when I asked him if he could go against my destiny. His words were: “You can change something, but take it a little seriously and you will return to what is annoying.” I am increasingly convinced that this is the case. Vanga knew everything except a lot of money to come, but who knows?

– Did Vanga tell you about the future of the world or Bulgaria?
– For Bulgaria, in front of me, he said: “If they survive, they may die, but Bulgaria will survive, that’s the place!” I heard it from her and she gives me optimism. Her prediction encouraged me when I was supposed to fly to Spain, and I was scared of planes, but she told me not to worry. “We look very old and boring!” At that moment he told me, which inspired me with courage, that there were many years ahead. Then there was a lot of turmoil on the plane, but I boldly told my colleagues, “Vanga told me I would not die,” and the entire theater rallied to save me. The hostesses had to ask them to move because we were all in one place.

– Do you have dreams that come true?
“My dreams tell me many things, and my dream is always at hand. I have more direct dreams where everything comes true. For example, when I request a child, I dream that someone has written a huge six on the hood of my car. The next day he is in the exam and I told him that in any case he would be six years old. At night, she calls me: “You are a witch, I really made six!”

“Do you think everything will come back?”
“I absolutely believe in balance. For me, God is a balance, you do good, wait, do evil, wait, this is an unwritten law for earthlings and Vanga said so too. For example, if a driver on the road hits me with dirty gasoline and I have some bad thoughts, but I tell myself it will come back to me worse, so I chase him with a counterattack. I tell myself that he must be in a hurry somewhere and maybe there is something urgent, and maybe his wife is pregnant. I try to blame him and then these thoughts pass …

– Do prayers help you in difficult times?
– When they are strong and sincere, they help. Saint Athanasius is my patron and even now, before beginning the conversation, I prayed: “Lord and Saint Athanasius, do everything so that there are no more infected people!” I also wish that the Holy Synod unite and at the same time ring the bells throughout Bulgaria, and that all priests pray the same prayer. I think this is how a very strong energy comes out and we can overcome this situation faster.

“What do you want?”
– I wish an hour to get out of this difficult time as soon as I don’t need anything: villas, mounds, trips. I love so much: having people to laugh with, interact with and work with.

Who is Latina Petrova?

The beloved Latina actress Petrova made her stage debut at the age of just 16, but not in a theatrical performance, but as a folk singer. Even after being admitted to the VITIZ in Prof. Stefan Sarchadzhiev’s class, she did not abandon music and singing. Proof of this are his songs from “The Golden Braid”, which he includes in his individual show “I Return the Money”, as well as his participation in the Stefan Dimitrov musical – “Brazilian Nights”.

For 29 years, Latin has been working at the Satirical Theater, but after the changes, he left and entered the free market. Its popularity is the attractive appearance in advertising of a famous mobile phone operator, after which it quickly became one of the most recognizable faces in Bulgaria. The talented actress has participated in various productions and films, as well as in the cult series of Vladi Vergala – “Smenti Kapeli”.

In 1974, she married the artist and tenor of Radio Sofia Krasimir Dzhongalov, with whom they were born on the same date: January 1. Her son Martin Jongalov is a nuclear physicist and doctor, and his daughter Linda works as a journalist.
