Life :: Weekly Horoscope for April 25


Weekly horoscope from April 25 to May 1

See what the stars are saying about you during the week of April 25 to May 1.

Aries March 21 – April 20

25 is not a day for joint initiatives. The advice is to take nothing seriously, commit to nothing, and schedule a first meeting. On Sunday everything goes according to plan, his luck works, he meets important people for his future. Everything you take will bring luck and benefits. Maintain a policy of principles. 27 extend your personal horizons, wait for a call from abroad. You get a feel for the really important things you need to focus your attention and ambitions on. On days 28 and 29 they are at higher risk. Inappropriate and timely comments on important topics will be heard. Take your words very carefully. At 29, free yourself from sins and worries. From noon to the 1930s, you enter a successful and profitable period. Focus on repairs and remodelings. Someone returns to his old job in days. On May 1, before noon, refrain from initiatives, especially those that bring opposition between old and new partners.

Taurus April 21 – May 20

Avoid casual meetings on Saturdays. Spend the day in privacy and quiet family activities. On the 26th you will have an idea of ​​the future. The sun and uranium coincide in the sign of Taurus, and this situation will give you an unexpected vision of your future work and personal connection. On the 27th Mercury enters Taurus. His business is dynamic, calls are made from abroad. On the 28th there are provocations at all levels. Conflicts can flare up on small occasions. Do not comment on your own lives and the choices of others, so as not to force your relationships with loved ones and colleagues. On the 29th you win the competition. Renew contacts and resolve differences, especially if you are going to work together and live together. 30 is a troubled and risky day. Move with caution and do not provoke others. It’s time to start clean in relationships. Unpleasant conversations are emerging, after which one will leave and the other will reconcile and stay.

Twins May 21 – June 21

By 27 the moon is in Gemini in conjunction with Venus. The aspect will dissipate feelings and passions and will find us with love in secrets or in open places. The 25th begets treason and fatal attraction. Do not schedule your first meeting or change your plans under any influence. Get creative on the 26th. Be as active as possible and get what you think. Tonight, the moon and Venus shine together in the night sky. The 27th is a day of travel and business to the extent that the situation allows and the general allows it. This is not a time to complain and complain. The 28th causes conflicts and negative statements. Day of fierce battles for territories of influence, money and power. Be careful with the statements, not only your enemies but your friends will provoke you. On the 29th you defeat the distances. A day of reconciliation and attempts to restore old relationships, arrangements and friends. At 30, don’t start anything important. Don’t stand firm at all costs. You may or may not be sufficiently informed about something. On day 1 you find the right path.

Cancer June 22 – July 21

The problems these days will come from her overly emotional attitude and tendency toward unequal relationships. For the 25, don’t plan to work as a team. The conjunction of Venus and the Moon in the next two days puts you in the dilemma of being true or cheating. Mercury enters Taurus and stimulates business. At 26, it’s time to go back, rebuild our business contacts and business relationships. On the 27th, we began to emerge from the period of isolation. Telepathic contacts intensify and if we think of someone they will call us. The 28th and 29th are days of tough competitive battles. The moon is in Cancer. Family ties are encouraged. It is time to consider rebuilding your home business as well. The 29th is a difficult day for those born in the third decade. Travel and business trips are described that will negatively tune your partners. 30 and 1 change the rules. Don’t start anything important, especially with untested people. Someone will give you the old number that you can retrieve again. On 1, control your emotions and don’t respond to provocations until noon. Subtle energies are incorporated into our bodies.

Leo July 22 – August 22

The 25th is a day of solitude and reflection, do not make hasty decisions. Postponing Sunday will bring luck and happy moments in love. 26th is a day to have fun, sing and dance, for business meetings and friends. The 27th comes with news from abroad that their business plans are changing. This night was marked by the conjunction of the Moon and Venus. It is a day of insight. The 28th is provocative, the competition is preparing for the strike. You will be wrong if you respond initially and do not master the impulses to enter disputes. The 29th is changing the rules in his favor. Today, people with an innate diplomatic approach and a sense of the needs and aspirations of others will win. Try to melt the ice, not deepen the crisis. On the 30th, settle before noon. For those born in the first decade, fate has prepared risky matches and unexpected twists that will lead to difficult negotiations, trials, and problems. Finish before 1 p.m., but don’t start anything. Creation and Construction Day. Find a way to store the old by surrounding it with something new and stabilizer.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

At the age of 27, the Moon and Venus expose you to the groundbreaking aspect of the Gemini sign. It is possible to double-bond, cheat, or make a hasty choice in feelings. Limit contacts to 25s. This is not the time to work as a team and take collective responsibility. At 26, there will be more problems for those born in the second decade. The Moon and Venus are in refractive aspect of their Sun, and Neptune Pisces pours extra oil into the fire of tempting emotions. 27 born in the third decade should not make a hasty decision to go to work abroad. The 28th comes with conflicts and unpleasant explanations. The provocations and counterattacks are described. Be careful what you share and with whom. On the 29th, you get rid of an inconvenience, but for Friday another one enters. On the 30th, nothing new and important does not begin without preparation and agreement with the partner, and from 1 to noon what has been started ends and no new commitments are made. The day is connected to an overflowing energy source, which gives you spiritual independence.

Libra September 23 – October 22

At 25, be careful with promises. Fate can meet the rich with the poor, the old with the young and the smart with the stupid in their various forms. Don’t take your eyes off the path you’ve taken. 26 and 27 carry surprises in privacy. The Moon, Venus and Mars give you brilliant views. You will receive highly anticipated suggestions and opportunities to get to know your personal partner emotionally. At 28 and 29 you disagree with yourself and the environment. Be responsible in words and deeds. It can conflict sometimes. The 29 born in the third decade are in a risky, healthy and professional position. Imagine in vivid detail what you want to achieve today. The 30 starts well but can end with a fiasco. You divide the people you will interact with into two fields. With some you walk away and with others you get closer. On Friday night, everything returns to its place. It is a good idea to plan the start of new activities, repairs, and construction work that will provide you with an independent life and job in the future.

Scorpio October 23 – November 22

During the weekend, you are distracted with love emotions. The business remains in the background. At 25, you may find yourself in risky relationships and contacts that will put you in an unpleasant relationship in the future. The 26th is the day to act, negotiate, make goodwill visits and find allies. Follow a policy of principle and do not lie so as not to be deceived. From the 27th Mercury will look at you in opposition. You should consider new jobs or additional activities. On the morning of the 27th, focus your thoughts on someone and they can call you. Trend number 28 is solving a large part of family problems. In a professional way you will have more unpleasant surprises. On the 29th, people with a diplomatic approach win. It is time to forgive sins, seek understanding and help from those closest to us, who will always support us. At 30, stay active in the early hours of business. You will easily resolve troublesome relationships and get what you need. Day 1 is negative energy. Ask for help

Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

You are entering a three-day risk period, especially in the direction of personal and love relationships. At age 25, you can strike up risky relationships and contact people who will use or blackmail you for a long time. The 26 old karmic interactions will make your life worse. You tend to cheat, to exaggerate. Until age 27, don’t join. Today you can find the true meaning of your relationship with someone. Find a quiet and peaceful place and think carefully about your situation. On the 28th you will discover who is stirring your water and shake it. . From a word that has been bluntly said, holy wars can go on. The 29 joins the ranks and connects you with the right people. Start the day by acknowledging your mistakes. On the 30th and 1st you can get more than others if you follow the right policies with the right people. It is time for new treaties and alliances. Take care of the home and office work, a change in the way you work and live, which will require a change in the relationship and the environment.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Today, you can easily get into the mud of unequal and damaging relationships. Find the hidden meaning and motive behind it all. Starting on the 26th, Pluto recoils in his sign and returns us to our old karmic obligations. The conjunction of Taurus Sol and Uranus will give you clever ideas about future actions and the needs of the moment. Starting on the 27th, Mercury will enter Taurus and unleash business. You need to quickly reconfigure your work. The 28-29 are opposed. You will meet silent but stubborn resistance and your work will be difficult to do. The advice is to humble yourself, forgive each other’s mistakes and hobbies, and come to an agreement on important family and professional issues. On the 30th, you will be finished by noon. You’ll find the medications you need and the people who can help you heal your bustling business. The first is nothing new and important to start at noon. Follow the signs of fate. Plan your weekend repair, construction and renovation activities. Start a new job and a new entrepreneurial initiative.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

During the first three days of the period, the Moon and Venus give you the love and artistic energy of the Gemini sign. You will dominate in your midst, and someone will meet your half. On the 25th, do not give yourself a quick reaction, do not withdraw or lend. At 26, open up to the world and others. A day of reunions and moments of joy with family and friends. Accept the offers offered. At 27, there will be more extras and opportunities for those born in the third decade to escape the crisis, problems at work and in personal relationships. On the 28th, people with the gift of the word win. Don’t lie What has been said today will soon become reality. Fair demands will be successful. At 29, renew your old contacts, think about restarting and revitalizing your joint business, and be as helpful to each other as possible. Those who have learned the lesson will succeed. The 30th and 1st days of the Moon are in opposition to Mars for its sign, leading to a hasty and overly emotional reaction. The degree of tension will increase steadily, especially if you are going to meet people who always challenge and provoke you.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

In the first three days of the period, you will have problems in love and in relationships. Moon and Venus of the Gemini twin sign will be squared with Neptune by Pisces. The illusion will erase your gaze, you will see everyone you know as the desired prince or princess. Don’t give a word, don’t get tied up, stay where you are. At age 26 you break your personal promises and rules, move frivolously and in the absence of a sense of responsibility. At age 27, your fishing intuition works at full speed and this can help you get out of unpleasant situations and personal crises. On the 28th and 29th they brought sobriety and a rescue solution to the crisis. You can easily boost your ideas and attract followers. Open yourself to those who have lived well in the past and are forgiven for their transgressions. Your 30 and 1 stabilize your relationships and your work. You may receive unpleasant news. Control feelings, you shouldn’t act first. On Friday, active self-defense against darkness is needed. At lunchtime, you have high hopes, and this will give you some lessons.
