Prince Harry, Megan Markle and their broken relationship with the British media.


One of the reasons why Prince Harry and Megan Markle decide to leave the royal court. It was the attitude they received from the British media. Many times it has been identified as biased for the Duchess of Sussex. Her husband even stated in a straight line that he did not want her to follow the fate of her late mother, who died in the pursuit of the paparazzi.

But Megzite did not end the familiar writings in the British tabloids. Therefore, one of the first decisions they both made after settling in Los Angeles was to break off relationships with four specific problems on the Island.

Harry and Megan have sent letters to the editors-in-chief of Sun, Daily Mail, Mirror and Express stating that from now on they will not answer the questions of their journalists. They define their behavior as “zero commitment”.

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Source: GettyImages

The only communication with the media in question will be through the couple’s attorneys, who are moving their cases against the media, reports The Guardian.

So Harry and Megan reacted violently to everything written about them in the past months and years. The couple believes that don’t want to become a “click coin”because the stories about them presented by the media in question are “distorted” and not true.

With this move, the Duke and Duchess urge us not to believe everything that is written about them in the British media. Because they themselves know many people whose lives are ruined precisely by the false claims made to them for the sole purpose of making a profit.

Prince Harry, Megan Markle and her first encounter with the paparazzi in Los Angeles.

Harry and Megan are on the move in Los Angeles

What they do away from the royal court

In the meantime Harry and Megan have found a new field to speak and speak on important topics.. Most likely, both refer to the American media, which will surely be the main actors soon.
