With surprising new directors, Petr Kellner took over bTV and the SME business – Bulgaria


Lubos Yetmar (left) and Didier Stossel


Lubos Yetmar (left) and Didier Stossel

Czech billionaire Petr Kellner’s Dutch-registered PPF investment group has announced that it now owns Central European Media Enterprises Ltd., part of which is BTV Media Group of Bulgaria.

The announcement also adds about the emergence of two new faces in leadership related to Bulgaria.

Lubos Yetmar becomes CEO of CME Bulgaria, a position that does not replace that of CEO of bTV Florian Scala, emphasizes PPF. “Mr. Yetmar, who represents SME, looks forward to working with … Florian Scala,” the statement added.

He has more than 20 years of experience in radio and television and will report directly to Ladislav Bartonicek, minority shareholder (0.535%) of PPF and responsible since 2018 for the group’s telecommunications business.

Interestingly, Jetmar left FTV Prima Holding only on September 7, where he was chairman of the board of directors of GES Media Asset, owner of Czech television Prima, and was managing director of Radio United Broadcasting, the radio station of Prima Group. . At the end of September, there was strong speculation in the Czech Republic that he would run the local TV station NOVA, probably Kellner’s most valuable asset in the SME deal.

The other surprise is that Didier stossel, who led Nova Broadcasting Group for many years until its acquisition by a company associated with brothers Kiril and Georgi Domuschievi. It will manage the SME business in all other acquired markets: Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

His appearance confirms that Peter Kellner has attracted people outside the PPF to return to the media business, as well as that he has separated his business in Bulgaria from that of other countries.

“PPF understands the vital role of independent and objective media in today’s society and will continue to adhere to the values ​​that have made bTV news highly respected,” the Prague statement said. Lubos Yetmar was quoted as saying that “bTV is a well-run company with exceptional customer reach and brand recognition and I look forward to working with their management team. My priority is to continue bTV’s mission by providing independent and objective news as well. And entertainment. high quality for our viewers. “

From 2000 to 2005 he was National Director of NGOs for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since 2008, Yetmar has worked for billionaire Ivat Zack, dubbed the “invisible media mogul” by Czech media, and his GES, the second largest media group in the country.

The current CEOs of SME, Christoph Malnusch and Michael del Nin, are leaving voluntarily, but will be available to PPF at the beginning of the acquisition of the company.

According to a Czech trade publication, the new owner has announced to the SME that “there is no need to worry about rapid personnel changes.”

“We are hiring an efficient, well-run company with a great reputation among residents. I look forward to working with the great people at our television stations,” says Stossel. “My priority is to accelerate the digital transformation of the company, strengthen the creation of own content, attract viewers to entertainment programs and, of course, keep the news independent and objective of the present time.”

“We are aware of the responsibility of assuming the SME. Its position in the market is very good and therefore we will continue to build networks of independent TV channels in different countries. We also believe that we are capable of generating new business opportunities to connect the media with telecommunications. services, “said Peter Kellner.” SME has large and loyal viewers, we will continue to offer them engaging and quality content. “
