Your horoscope for today, October 4, 2020.


horoscope from


Although common sense tells you that it is dangerous to do something, you will still go through your head taking all the risks. At least try not to do anything illegal or immoral.


Good day for travel and entertainment. Today you will think broadly and act on a large scale. No wonder you get something really great (I just hope it’s not an empty promise). Fortunately, you will not lack a sense of humor and can easily accept any little problem. Today you are really great in every way.


You will feel calm and, above all, you will want to rest. It is good if you have the opportunity to spend more time outside in the fresh air. Walking will have a very good effect on you, and when you sleep more you will feel really relaxed.


Today, the most tempting way to solve a problem may be the most melodramatic. It is not advisable to prefer it, you will remember it too long later.


Someone will need your help today. It may take you all day, but don’t give up, only you can help.


An ideal day for rest and entertainment. You can meet people who think like you. As if your dreams come true, you just have to be optimistic and be non-judgmental.


A work day instead of a day off. You must have had a lot on your mind. Of course, you will easily solve all the problems, but the long-awaited vacation will be postponed. However, you can turn any job into fun, do it today.


You will be a little distracted today and you will want to escape from all the responsibilities. However, there are things that you (even you) cannot lightly dismiss. At least be creative with the things you do. And don’t forget to smile more.


A really nice day. You will feel energized and ready to deal with any problem, yesterday’s momentum will still keep you going. You can successfully clean at noon and spend the afternoon on the things that really bring you joy (unless cleaning is one of them).


Sarcastic comments from your friends can unexpectedly lead you to a dead end and make you feel terrible. Be more confident. And defend your beliefs.


Today, things will develop faster than expected and you will have to act more quickly. Don’t worry not to confuse something.


Today is a bit confusing. Do not accelerate the intrigue, because you can turn it from a small misunderstanding into a great chaos from which there is no escape.
