Platform with gene. Mutafchiiski at the first festival during a pandemic in the world


The monument to Racho Kovacha, who wears a protective mask.

The first festival during a pandemic in the world will not be anywhere but in Gabrovo. Every year, in May, the city shows that it is no coincidence that it is called the capital of humor with the festival “Between East and West”. Its procession traditionally includes models of several meters that represent or ridicule celebrities from the world of entertainment, politics, characters from books and movies. This year will be different from usual. The people of Gabrovo disguised as a masquerade ball will demonstrate a carnival atmosphere from terraces, balconies, windows and patios. They will share the euphoria through a broadcast studio with star guests and a humorous show.

On May 16, starting at 19:00, three platforms with models will go on three beams in the streets of the city. And one of the images will be that of General Mutafchiiski, whose objective is to thank him for all his efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Organizers promise to walk around the city to see how measures to combat COVID-19 are observed. Even the famous monument of the legendary creator of Gabrovo – Racho Kovacha, which is located on the Yantra river and receives new ones every year, has a sanitary mask. carnival clothing

The musicians will also unite. Jazz will be played from various terraces, DJs, actors, classical and folk artists have also applied, each of them will try to make their neighbors’ carnival night fun. In addition, carnivores from the sister city of Gabrovo, the Belgian city of Aalst, will virtually participate in the event.
“Covid-19 faced many challenges,” said city mayor Tanya Hristova. “There is something in common that we can observe around the world: the desire to live in our normal way and not give up. We will laugh at the situation, even through tears at times. Humor has always been a way to reduce tension, appearing in the most difficult moments and in the most difficult issues. This is our motivation not to give up the carnival. Yes, there will be no splendor to which we are accustomed. At the moment, it is not reasonable to raise or spend a lot of money: in the municipal budget there are expenses and social services that we do not suspect at all, part of the planned income will not come either. However, we can reserve a little to maintain our world and be ourselves: optimists with an inimitable sense of humor, “adds Hristova.

Photo of the previous carnival procession

Photo of a previous carnival procession
