Scandal! A judge of the folk singer SRS collects a tip at a wedding VIDEO


A judge at the Sofia District Court (SRC) sees no problem picking up tips while performing a Bulgarian folk song at a wedding, legalworld writes. This is made clear in a video shared by Judge Nikolai Urumov on his YouTube channel.

The presentation of “He Was Drunk, Petrano’s Girlfriend” has garnered more than 114,000 views on the popular Internet platform since its publication seven years ago.

The delicate moment in this case is that shortly before publishing the video, which shows him deftly putting a BGN 50 bill in his pocket, Urumov was already approved by a decision of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) of July 5, 2012, as a candidate for “minor judge” in the Sofia City Court and was admitted to study at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

Nikolay Urumov’s action can be interpreted as at least a violation of several of the provisions of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Bulgarian Magistrates, according to which: “The magistrate must perform his official duties with priority over any other activity”, “with his personal behavior and sense of responsibility in his official and extracurricular activities, the magistrate must set an example of high morals and integrity”, “the magistrate must abstains from any action that may compromise his honor in the profession and society “.

What, if it does not compromise the profession of the magistrate, is the collection of tips at a wedding, which is an unregulated income, and is barely declared to the competent authorities at that time: the tax authorities and the National Audit Office.

It seems that Nikolai Urumov feels it is not very correct to combine judicial work with the career of a popular singer who takes advice from wedding guests, because in a 2018 image post, he shares: “A year ago, a DJ called me and told me that a young Bulgarian family living in Germany was returning to Sofia to celebrate a wedding.

He said they wanted me to sing at the wedding, no matter how much I asked for. I refused! “Judge Urumov also points out that, as a magistrate, he can only sing at a wedding if his friend marries and decides to greet him. Due to his denials, he also became angry: “And what if you’re a judge, big deal.

Don’t be in court here! Dissatisfied fans told him. But there are no two opinions on Urumov on this issue. “The judiciary forces me to tolerate such restrictions”Urumov modestly explains and shares that the profession of judge is generally lonely. “A word or action can be distorted to ruin a magistrate’s career. Normally, morality is a category misunderstood in our country.”The judge told a Sofia newspaper in 2018.

However, the facts show that Judge Urumov, who claims to have high morale, does not have so many principles, because he continued to participate in folkloric activities after joining the SRS as a magistrate with a decision of the SJC on June 18, 2015. This is evident by his duets with folk singer Slavka Kalcheva, which the two recorded for the company “Painer” in the period until the end of 2016. “The law prohibits us from receiving income from any other profession except teaching. It turns out that I invest a lot of money to record a song, but I do it for pleasure.” the magistrate claims two years ago.

From his declaration of ownership before the ISJC for 2017, it is evident that already as a judge in the SRS Urumov he has not declared income from parallel activities, nor has he invested in musical activities. However, in the 2017 statement there is a strange point: the judge noted that for 7 months he rented a house of 70 square meters in the capital, that is. one-bedroom apartment, priced at BGN 300 per month, which is well below market prices for paid use of the dwelling as of 2017, unless Urumov has not taken an apartment in the Botunets neighborhoods or Buhovo.

The concert scene appears to give confidence to the judge, who last year at a SJC Judicial Board meeting, who opposed his evaluation of the SRS certification as a criminal magistrate, allowed himself to keep his colleagues from the Administrative Court of the city of Sofia.

Nikolay Urumov receives as many points as possible from the staff: 100, while continuing to accuse administrative judges of ignoring requests from regional magistrates to unify jurisprudence. Urumov still admits that while this is the job of the Supreme Administrative Court, which could decide on an interpretive decision, no such request has been made.

In recent days, the name of Judge Nikolai Urumov has become popular alongside his decision, which revoked one of “Attack” leader Volen Siderov’s monetary guarantees in connection with the political campaign against measures to prevent the spread of the infection. by coronavirus. Urumov’s motives for “saving” Siderov BGN 50,000 as collateral sound quite political and largely coincide with the positions taken by opponents of the state of emergency in recent weeks.

This explains the serious response that, at first glance, the routine definition of the district judge was found in the media related to the neoliberal political project “Democratic Bulgaria”. It seems that Urumov is trying to copy former colleagues who, after enjoying the protection of staff for many years, after losing them, began to cause scandals and eventually became politicians. An example of this is former SRS President Metodi Lalov, now a municipal councilor in Sofia.

And the strange fact that the media, some of which is funded by the United States for Bulgaria and even the United States Congress, have found themselves in a position to defend pro-Russian politician Volen Siderov, may have another explanation. It turns out that current judge Nikolay Urumov took the timid first steps of a popular singer on SKAT TV, where Siderov’s political career began in 2005.
