Weekly horoscope for all signs of the zodiac – Astro



May 4: Venus squares off with Neptune – Avoid making important decisions, especially in matters of love, where you can easily fall into self-deception. Be careful not to be financially cheated.

May 5 – Sun in conjunction with Mercury – Negotiations become easy. Intellectual abilities increase. People around you can appreciate your ideas. This aspect will help you smooth the differences and demonstrate your skills.

May 5: the north node passes Gemini

May 7 – Mercury in sextile with Neptune – Appearance improves intuition, understanding and creative imagination. These are the days of creative growth, a good time for people with creative professions, your inspiration will have new momentum.

May 7 – Full Moon at 1:46 PM in Scorpio sign – emphasizes key processes, poses major life problems, financial and material problems, survival problems, including business survival.

May 9 – Mercury in trine with Pluto – improves perception

May 10 – Mercury in trine with Jupiter – creates a positive attitude, a tendency to take risks, but also tends to overestimate abilities and strengths.

The moon will move through the signs of Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.

Favorable dates for haircuts: 4, 5 (until 18:00), May 10

Favorable hair coloring days: all week except 5pm on May 4 to 6pm on May 5

“Moon aimlessly” – In the periods when the Moon has already made its last important aspect, but has not yet moved to the next sign, it is necessary to avoid launching new projects and any other work designed for the future and development. This is the so-called “aimless moon” or periods of inefficiency of the moon. The best strategy at this point is to do nothing: leave it as it is until the Moon enters the next sign. In short, don’t do anything important during these hours.

04.05. 05:26 – 04.05. 10:11

06.05. 05:32 – 06.05. 10:06

08.05. 05:40 – 08.05. 10:16

10.05. 09:12 – 10.05. 12:40

Aries – Learn how to set your priorities correctly and, first of all, to solve only the really important problems. Not only will you have confidence in your own abilities, but you will also have the energy to carry out all your plans and tasks. That is why you can become true leaders in the coming days.

Do not lose the pleasure of fulfilling all your wishes and dreams, if you have that opportunity. He will make some personal changes, but in the second half of the week he will have to slow down a bit. Something new will come to your life.

Favorable days – 8, 9

Be careful – 4, 6, 10

Taurus – This week will be especially successful in making plans for the future. It is very important not to rise in the clouds, but to seriously observe your capabilities. A philosophical understanding of life and calm in all situations that occur will enable you to achieve brilliant results. Your focus will be on material values. For this reason, you can make many expenses to satisfy your wants and needs.

You want change The stars advise you: change the situation better, not the couple. This desire will soon pass and things will return to normal.

Favorable days – 10

Be careful – 6, 7

Twins – This week at work the situation is expected to be stable and generally calm, with a few small exceptions. Some little things will really make you nervous. If you keep your emotions under control, you can avoid conflicts. Favorable time for the realization of creative ideas and projects. You will receive recognition for your skills and talents.

Problems are possible in personal life. Your incontinence can cause conflict with your partner. During anger, you can say such words that then asking for forgiveness will be meaningless and useless.

Favorable days – 4, 5

Be careful – 8, 9

Cancer – Creative personalities will be able to successfully complete all projects that have started before. Do not start new cases in the second half of the week, as this is not the best time. During this period, the most important issues will be related to the home, children and family, you will have to actively deal with solving home problems.

Those who don’t have a partner and are still single are likely to start a new romantic relationship. Don’t refuse to meet friends. It is possible to meet interesting people there.

Favorable days – 6, 7

Be careful – 4, 5, 10

The lion – During the week you will have to show all your ingenuity, of course, if you want your work to be more productive and efficient. During the period, some will decide to start serious transformations, which are mainly related to professional activities. To achieve what you want in the shortest possible time and without losses, you should slightly adjust your tactics and be patient.

A loved one will help you avoid problems. At the end of the week, watch what you say, because you can say something else and it will ruin your relationship. The friendly environment and communication with intelligent and interesting people will help you find peace, relax and be yourself.

Favorable days: 4, 5, 8, 9

Be careful – 6, 7

Virgo – Some of the plans for quick realization in life, which you trusted a lot, will stagnate and will not work. This can make you feel irritated and listless. It is especially bad if you start pouring out your anger on your loved ones. The point is, you’re in a hurry and sometimes expect the impossible in life.

Good time to pay attention to your health. Take steps to strengthen the immune system. Stick to a healthier lifestyle. First, change your diet and focus on rest. Outdoor walks will contribute to the maximum health benefits. In personal life, the situation is generally stable, no significant changes are expected.

Favorable days – 6, 7, 10

Be careful – 8, 9

Pound – During this week, try to remain objective not only when evaluating others, but also events and your own abilities and capacities. During this period, your self-sufficiency and independence will not be high, so you will need additional support from loved ones and allies. Some of you will be dissatisfied with life because you think you deserve more.

Your personal life will not be very turbulent. For some, jealousy will lead to disputes. Those who are alone will be able to start new relationships, but there is no prospect that they will last long.

Favorable days – 8, 9

Be careful – 4, 6, 10

Scorpio – In the workplace, the situation is quite calm, but do not forget to carry out your direct professional tasks. Don’t make major changes this week. The results are not certain to be positive. To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary confrontations with others, you should try to behave modestly and, when you act, consider how they will accept them and how they will affect others.

There is a chance that those seeking a partner may meet an interesting and personable person who will soon become a true friend and perhaps a life partner.

Favorable days – 10

Be careful – 6, 7

Sagittarius – The week will bring you creative success, new hope and good humor. Come on, get the to-do list out again. Intelligent Mercury will briefly travel to his sixth house of organization and efficiency, increasing his motivation to complete all forgotten tasks. Nothing can stop you.

Create a cozy and comfortable environment for you and your loved ones at home. This is the ideal time to work on improving immunity and health, as well as cosmetic repairs at home. Try to not only work, but also spend time on your favorite hobby, which will help you relax and relieve stress.

Favorable days – 4, 5

Be careful – 8, 9

Capricorn “The wind will blow on your face this week.” Since this affects you a bit unexpectedly, you should definitely refrain from making hasty decisions. What you need now is calm and patience; Last but not least, separate the important from the unimportant and develop an appropriate decision strategy. You may also want to consider non-traditional methods.

You should also be active in love relationships. Capricorn men should not be afraid to openly admit their feelings towards the woman they love. And Capricorn women must remember that men pay attention mainly to those women who at least with the naked eye or gesture show sympathy for them.

Favorable days – 6, 7

Be careful – 4, 5, 10

Aquarium – This week many will reap the results of their hard work. The work will come to light as you have many important things to do. You will need a lot of effort to deal with them on time.

In the middle of the period, your ability to adequately respond to the situation can be significantly reduced, so be careful and even suspicious, otherwise you can become easy prey for criminals. There may be conflict situations with a loved one, but with a little patience and understanding, you can easily solve all problems. Life will become more saturated with emotions and feelings.

Favorable days: 4, 5, 8, 9

Be careful – 6, 7

Fish – During the week you will be active and try to make the most of all the opportunities and opportunities offered by the destination to achieve even greater success in your work. During the first half of the week, be very careful in financial transactions and signing contracts of any kind.

If you don’t pay attention to your own health, there is a danger of exacerbating old chronic diseases. There is a risk of injury, so be careful. You may have a strong desire to make a change in your life. Unleash your feelings and desires, but don’t create jealousy with your behavior.

Favorable days – 6, 7, 10

Be careful – 8, 9
