Pop Hysteria Popular! Fiki meets old Storaro


Fiki Storaro distinguishes himself from his colleagues, who, along with the state of emergency in Bulgaria, have become depressed.

The vocal singer showed how he drives bad thoughts out of his head and doesn’t let depression take over his mind. He shared a video that led his father, Tony Storaro, to write down some difficult words.

“We are in a difficult situation, but we must not let bad thoughts conquer us. I chase them with songs. With this I honor the talent and memory of the unforgettable Saban Shaulic. Greetings to all fans of Serbian music! I love you” Fiki wrote. below the shared video, where he once again demonstrates his talent.

His father Tony Storaro was proud of his heir and wrote, “You are a teacher, son.”

Lately, Ficky ​​has had a very high role in the cast as “Two drops of water”, where he has become a favorite of viewers and juries, and until now has been mediocre. He demonstrates a great talent for singing and acting, which is why he’s currently ranked, and viewers predict he’ll win the copycat show, writes show.blitz.bg.
