Bruce Springsteen Says Lana Del Rey Is One Of The Best Songwriters In The Country

Bruce Springsteen named Lana Del Rey “just one of the best songwriters in the country” on the last episode of his From His house to yours DJ series on SiriusXM. For the final months of lockdown, Springsteen took over his own E Street Radio station to play songs he loved, and most recently, he played Del Rey’s 2012 track “American,” which Springsteen himself exclaims: ” Springsteen is the king, do not you think / I was like, hell yes, that man can sing. ”

‘She’s, uh, name controlling someone who’s from New Jersey. I’m not sure who, ‘Springsteen said responsibly through this NJ Arts transcript. ‘She’s from New York, and was raised in Lake Placid. Lake Placid, a wonderful little American town where I have spent many years enjoying a wonderful summer evening with my children and my family. And Lana is just one of the best songwriters in the country, as we speak. She just creates her own world and invites you into it. So a big favorite of mine, the lovely Lana Del Rey. ”

This is not the first time Springsteen has sung the praises of Lana Del Rey. Just last month, he played “Video Games” on another episode of From His house to yours and introduced it as such: “I’m a Lana Del Rey fan … This is a singer and a song that reminds me of the hot, humid and humid summer nights and the girls who went with them.” And back in 2017 late Springsteen Variation via his iTunes folder and said, “I love her, especially the extended version of her first record.”

So far, all of Delstey’s Springsteen picks have come from there Born to die period. Envy what he thinks of it Norman Fucking Rockwell?

Here are some recordings of Del Rey at a Springsteen concert a few years back:

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