Brian Stelter has shut down Trump’s tweet notifications on live broadcast

“I have a confession about Trump’s tweets,” said ABC’s John Carly, former president of the White House Respondents Association. “I’ve turned off the notification on my phone for Trump’s tweets. … They’re less effective when there are too many and when they’re too fragmented.”

“It’s the same here,” said CNN’s political correspondent Abby Philip, who was also a guest on the show.

“I think I’ll just go ahead and do it now, John, I’m going to follow your lead,” said Stelator, who pulled out his iPhone and aired his settings.

On Saturday, CNN and other news networks speculated if Biden would be the next president of the United States. But Trump’s presidency is not over, as Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg said on “reliable sources” on Sunday.

“It could be January 22 that Twitter decides to suspend its account,” Goldberg said. “But he will still be able to find a way to make his views known.”

It may look like media coverage here, as Trump serves as lame-duck president until January and Biden prepares to go to the White House.

How the media will cover President-elect Joe Biden

Biden’s national press secretary, T.J. “President-elect Biden believes the media is a crucial part of our democracy,” Daclo told Stelter. “That transparency is incredibly important.”

Ducklow stressed that Biden believes the media has worked to hold him accountable, adding that he welcomes the role of journalists in democracy.

It would present a drastic contrast to Trump’s relationship with the media. Trump has called CNN and other news organizations “fake news.” And at some point Trump has promoted violence against journalists. For example, he recently mocked MSNBC anchor Ali Welsh for firing a rubber bullet during a May protest, calling it a “beautiful sight” during a political rally in Minnesota.

“I think, clearly, it will be the polar opponent we’ve seen over the last four years,” Ducklow said, looking at what the Biden administration’s relationship with the media would look like. “The media has an extraordinarily important job to do,” he added. President-elect Biden agrees and believes that, and I think you will see – I think you will see a big change in the culture, the way this White House treats the media. “

How the media will cover President Donald Trump

A day after Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, Brian Stalter said, “As always, Trump has lost all oxygen.” A testament to the generalization of his narcissism. “

Golderberg of the Atlantic said the current political landscape guarantees serious conversations in newsrooms about how much attention we pay to lame duck announcements. He said reporters need to spend time focusing on the following question: “What will the Biden administration do to win the virus?”

“The enthusiasm of this administration is diminishing day by day,” he added, adding that journalists recommended covering the epidemic, the economy and the state of America in the world.

Philip echoed the sentiment.

“It’s exciting to always have our report centered around a certain segment of the population – especially white working class voters – there are millions of others who made a very clear statement in this election,” he said.
