Brexit: ‘Put the card on the table’ on trade deals, says EU

Boris JohnsonImage copyright pyrite

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Boris Johnson phoned with Charles Mitchell early Wednesday

European Council President Charles Mitchell has said that after the post-Brexit deal, “it is time for the UK to put its cards on the table”.

He tweeted the comment after a call with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday.

Formal talks between the two sides ended last week, but officials are still trying to come to an agreement.

According to No. 10, during the call, the Prime Minister “reiterated that any deal should reflect the vote of the British people”.

Mr. Johnson also said that “businesses and citizens need a very early determination on the terms of our future relationship.”

Earlier, Cabinet Secretary Michael Gove said the talks had given him a “reason for stable optimism”.

But the UK’s chief negotiator, Lord David Frost, said there were “huge gaps” between the teams – government subsidies for businesses and fishing rules – with “fishing” being the “most difficult issue”.

Both sides have said that an agreement must be reached this month before the end of the so-called transition period on December 31, where the UK continues to comply with EU rules.

Speaking to the Lord’s Committee on Wednesday, Lord Frost echoed the Prime Minister’s earlier statement, saying the UK could move away from negotiations if an agreement was not reached by October 15.

If no deal is reached by the end of the year, the UK will trade with the EU over the rules of the World Trade Organization, which critics fear could hurt the economy.

Lord Frost said the government would be “satisfied” to trade with the bloc in this way, saying: “We believe we will prosper if we do that.”

But he said the UK “obviously likes the deal very much”.

In a tweet, Mr Mitchell said the EU would also “prioritize the deal” but added: “At no cost.”

‘Intensive work’

Mr Johnson also made a video call on Saturday with European Commission President Ursula von der Lane, where the pair “agreed on the importance” of finding a post-Brexit trade deal.

They agreed that progress had been made in the final formal negotiations, but said there had been “significant gaps” – instructing their key negotiators to “work” and bridge that gap.

Extensive talks are taking place in London this week, and will continue in Brussels next week, the No. 10 confirmed.

Meanwhile, Michelle will travel to Dublin on Thursday for the visit with Irish Taosich Michael Martin.