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Mary Dallas has not touched her mother since she was taken to an emergency room in New York City in March.

But after more than five months in the hospital and nursing home, Dallas’ mother, Mary Jean-Pierre, was released on Saturday, her family told CNN.

Jean-Pierre, 73, was admitted to Memonides Medical Center in Brooklyn on March 21 with a low-grade fever and difficulty breathing. After testing positive for coronavirus, she was internally and later placed on a ventilator, according to her daughter. At some point he got a tracheot.

“She was fighting in every way. She was fighting doctors, she was fighting nurses,” said Mary Delus. “She didn’t want to be on the ventilator.”

Jean-Pierre, Dallas and other family members once went to Spain on a once-in-a-lifetime journey in early March, returning on March 11th. Multiple people who went on the trip fell ill, including five who were “very ill,” Delus said.

Jean-Pierre was “out of it,” remembering a short time of about three months in the hospital, he told CNN. Jean-Pierre said she was transferred to the Brooklyn Saints Joachim and Anne Nursing and Rehab Center, where she had to be taught how to walk and talk, and could not see her family except behind the glass.

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