Breaking news from around the world

Wait October, Monday a waiter serves meals to customers at a hotel in Mumbai, India.
Wait October, Monday A waiter serves meals to customers at a hotel in Mumbai, India. Rajneesh Kakade / A.P.

According to CNN, 61,267 new cases of coronavirus were reported in India on Monday, the lowest one-day increase since August 25, according to the Indian Ministry of Health.

As of Tuesday, more than 6.6 million and more than 103,000 people have been killed in Kovid-19 in India. Figures show a decline in the number of cases reported daily in October.

For two consecutive weeks, the Indian Ministry of Health has registered less than 1 million active cases. The ministry attributed the decline in active cases to a preliminary investigation of extensive testing.

Testing India: According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, India conducted 1,089,403 coronavirus tests on Monday, with a total of more than 81 million tests. The health ministry said on Tuesday that the ICMRA has increased testing and India’s positivity rate is consistently maintained below 10%.

The World Health Organization says a good criterion for whether the country is adequately tested should be at least 10 negative cases to confirm each positive case.

Recovery Rate: The central government has also outlined a standard treatment protocol that would increase the national recovery recovery rate, the health ministry said on Monday. The recovery rate is currently .3 84..34%. In India, patients with mild to moderate symptoms are not considered more active after 10 days of onset of symptoms if they meet certain conditions. They no longer need a test to make sure they don’t have the virus. Severe cases can be discharged only after a negative coronavirus test.

Schools reopen: The education ministry on Monday issued guidelines for schools to reopen from October 15, emphasizing the need for health and safety measures and social distance. States have the discretion to reopen schools based on their local epidemic situation.

The state of Maharashtra in the western state and the capital Delhi – the two most affected areas – have decided to keep schools closed till at least October 31. States will be allowed to set deadlines for reopening any potential schools or continuing online. Is expected to learn and announce the decision in the coming weeks.
