Brazilian city plagued by coronavirus, Herd reaches immunity in just months, study finds

A city in the Brazilian Amazon reached the level of herd immunity to the coronavirus, while despite no steps being taken to prevent infection, it passed.

The city of Manaus, with a population of over two million, was one of the most affected cities in Brazil for the COVID-19 case. No lockdown was implemented and no major steps were taken to limit the spread of the virus. The first case was reported in mid-March. Within two months, the hospitals were flooded and the death rate was much higher than the Brazilian average.

Now, an international team of researchers has assessed the proportion of the population in Manaus that was infected with the coronavirus at its peak, and in the latter case how the declining, herd immunity was achieved. From here a large proportion of the population has contracted a disease that will no longer be able to spread at a significant rate.

Website Pride Print Studies What appears above has not been reviewed or published in a scientific journal, i.e. the validity of these findings has not been evaluated for assessment by a panel of conclusions. As such, the result should be taken with caution.

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Matthews officials struggled to move the burial forward, according to a Matthew Reuters report. It said the Amazonas state, with Manaus as its capital, had a mortality rate of 19.4 per 100,000, compared to 4.4 for the whole of Brazil.

It is believed that the poor infrastructure of the test i.e. many cases missed at the top of the spread. However, the cases and deaths reported in the man recorded began to decline significantly around June, raising questions about whether the city had developed “mob immunity.”

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In general, herd immunity is associated with the vaccine – if a certain percentage of the population is inoculated against the virus, vulnerable people who cannot or cannot be vaccinated are protected by a “herd”. However, throughout the coronavirus epidemic, regenerative regions of herd immunity have been discussed as a possible way to recover.

This approach has been described by World Health Organization officials as dangerous. However, the extreme level of manus and its infection potential now gives an understanding of the level of immunity of the herd and the level required before the level of infection is achieved.

In August Gust, researchers noted a decline in cases in Manaus and suggested that mob immunity could play a role.

A nurse walks with a coronavirus patient at a field hospital in Manaus, Brazil in May. The researchers said that in the city d. Percentage of people infected with the virus have reached the stage of herd immunity.
Andre Kolho / Getty Images

After the presentation of the Manaus study, Lewis Busse of the University of Sઓo Paulo said that the research is part of a larger research project looking at how antibody levels change over time in eight different cities in Brazil. “When an antibody test is positive, this is evidence that a person has previously been infected with the SARS-Co-2 virus,” he said. Newsweek In an email. “Based on the proportion of blood donors we find to have antibodies, we estimate that 66 percent of the population was infected at some point during the epidemic in Manaus.”

The team found a transition to SARS-COVID-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, which increased rapidly between March and April. It then declined even though no steps were taken to slow the spread between May and September.

He noted that while there has been a change in behavior among city dwellers that has helped limit transmission, “an unusual infection rate suggests that epidemics played a significant role in determining the size of the epidemic.”

Researchers also found that seroprevalence decreased in July and August. Researchers say that a decrease in antibodies following infection is normal and their study is not designed to see how long the immune system lasts. However, long-term monitoring of the monsoon situation could potentially provide insight into this. “The importance of this in terms of defensive immunity is still an open question,” Buse said. “It will be important to continue monitoring the situation in Manaus to better understand this issue.”

“Herd immunity is the proportion of the population that must be immune to the infection, each case producing, on average, less than one new case. Largely stable SARS-Co-2 epidemics are examples of exceptional attack rates in which animal husbandry immunity can contribute to a reduction in new cases and deaths.

Mass grave Manaus
Aerial view of the tombs at the Nosa Senhora are Paracida Cemetery in Manaus in June. The city was flooded with COVID-19 cases in March and April, killing thousands.
By Michelle Dantas / AFP Getty Images

“As we emphasize in our print run, our results should not be directly extrapolated to other contexts. Our results will fit into the scientific discussion surrounding herd immunity, which relies largely on mathematical modeling, providing the most empirical evidence of infection limitation in one. In more affected areas. “

David Goldsmith, who recently wrote a commentary in the journal The Royal Society of Medicine on how Sweden – a proponent of animal husbandry immunity – failed to reach the level needed for protection, said recent findings show rapid mitigation measures. Bunch immunity. ”But, this rapid growth comes at a price.

“From the mortality study we know that the price paid by vulnerable victims caught in the COVID-19 milestorm can be very high, so uncontrolled viral infections will actually burn themselves out, but at a terrible price,” he said. Newsweek In an email. “It is now very unclear whether, as Sweden claims, the ‘slow fuse’ approach to achieving herb immunity is a viable strategy and, again, risky.”