Brazil is open to everything except masks.

The old town was busy on Monday afternoon, the first day of a new phase of large-scale reopening of Brazil’s largest city.

Shoppers were on the streets and in stores, sellers were pushing watermelon carts and other wares, and everything around them were sounds of human activity, not back to pre-pandemic levels, but a buzz that has been absent in many of the world’s cities. .

Inside a bank, people lined up with space around them, but in the smallest stores and crowded streets there was no way to maintain social distance. The sight of a merchant pointing a thermometer at a customer’s forehead was rare, and while many wore masks, an alarming number did not.

No wonder, given the pandemic politics of the man in charge of Brazil.

Sometimes known as the “tropical Trump”, President Jair Bolsonaro has derided Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak as just a “little flu.” He undermined his Ministry of Health’s call for social distancing with flashy and unmasked exits and finally fired the respected health minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta.
“Mandetta’s vision was health, life,” Bolsonaro explained. “Mine is more than life, it includes the economy, jobs.” When the death toll exceeded 5,000, he said, “So what? I cry, but what do you want me to do about it? … I’m not a miracle worker.”
With at least 65,000 deaths and 1.6 million confirmed cases, Brazil is now second only to the United States in terms of national suffering. But the tests are still difficult to carry out, and while digging mass graves from Rio to Amazonia, some local experts say the actual number of infected could be 12 to 16 times higher.
Temperature controls were few and there seemed to be no limits for customers in stores.

However, as a testament to Bolsonaro’s persuasive power in the 30% of the population that polls still remain loyal to him, a supporter I met was convinced that the coronavirus is nothing.

“It could exist,” said activist Mario Schwartzmann. “But if it exists, it is weak.”

That is the attitude that makes Natalia Pasternak cringe. The microbiologist and president of the Institute of Question Sciences in São Paulo was forceful in her evaluation. “It’s crazy. Science is being ignored in this government like never before,” he said.

Natalia Pasternak fears that the worst is yet to come for Brazil in the pandemic.

After Bolsonaro fired his health minister and the replacement stopped working in a month, a loyal general with no public health experience is now in charge of Brazil’s pandemic response.

And after Donald Trump praised hydroxychloroquine, Bolsonaro ordered his military to stock millions of doses and ordered that the controversial malaria drug be distributed in public clinics. “Even if there are no side effects, that’s the money you could go to buy ventilators and diagnostic test kits,” he said. And now an already overloaded health system is preparing for a wave of patients who will need intensive care.

“This is really scary because we are talking about opening churches, schools, pubs and restaurants,” said Pasternak. These are places where people gather, which is exactly what we are trying to avoid. And then these people aren’t even going to wear masks. “

Many buyers wore masks, but their use was far from universal.

The lower house of Congress passed rules for the mandatory use of masks in churches, schools, shops and prisons, but Bolsanaro vetoed essential parts of them.

Pasternak now fears that Brazil’s massive public health system may be overwhelmed.

“We have never reached the situation they reached in Italy, where the doctor is forced to choose the person who receives the ventilator,” he said.

“I hope we never get to that, but I’m afraid we could.”
