Bonkers conspiracy theorists mock mysterious objects on Mars – from ‘strange images’ to a bottle of BEER

NUTTY collision theorists inexhaustibly scan images of Mars in search of objects that are out of the ordinary.

While the vast majority can be blamed for a false identity, some mysterious findings have never been explained by Nasa.

Conspiracy theorists claim to have found a foreign 'soldier' ​​in images of the Curiosity rover


Conspiracy theorists claim to have found a foreign ‘soldier’ ​​in images of the Curiosity roverCredit: YouTube / Paranormal Crucible

From beer bottles to “strange statues,” here are some of the strangest findings reported by eagle-eyed Internet users in recent years.

1. Martingale ‘soldier’

Back in 2017, alien hunters claimed to have found evidence of an old Martian “soldier” frozen solid on the Red Planet.

Images captured by the Curiosity rover showed a humanoid being carrying a space shuttle and carrying a weapon.

The creature was tracked down by Paranormal Crucible who posted the video on Youtube.

Some crackpots believed that the alleged alien was carrying a space shield and carrying a weapon, which they highlighted in this edited image.


Some crackpots believed that the alleged alien was carrying a space shield and carrying a weapon, which they highlighted in this edited image.Credit: YouTube / Paranormal Crucible

The video description states: “Intriguing object that I discovered while going through the NASA archives.

“This one looks absolutely artificial in nature and is in my opinion an old statue.

“The strange thing about this is that it looks like a strange gray or possibly some sort of alien insect.”

However, it seems more likely that the ‘stranger’ was just an unusual pile of rocks on the Martian surface.

2. Greek philosopher

This striking rock apparently resembles the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates


This striking rock apparently resembles the ancient Greek philosopher SocratesCredit: UFOSightingsDaily
An unusual similarity


An unusual similarityCredit: UFOSightingsDaily

He is one of the greatest thinkers in history, but Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates also dabbled in space travel, according to collusion notes.

The dubious finding was made last year by Scott C Waring, who runs the crackpot website UFOSightingsDaily.

Scott found the thinker’s face on Mars in photos taken by Nasa’s Spirit rover 15 years ago.

“This is Socrates, the great Greek philosopher and teacher. Every detail on the face fits perfectly. Was Socrates from Mars? Maybe.

“That would explain his advanced and organized way of thinking and how he was trying to influence the world with it.”

3. Ancient Egyptian sarcophagus

Popular collusion note Scott C Waring suggested that this alien rock was an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus


Popular collusion note Scott C Waring suggested that this alien rock was an ancient Egyptian sarcophagusCredit: ET Data Base
The rock formation certainly has the shape of an old coffin


The rock formation certainly has the shape of an old coffin

Infamous conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring claimed to have found signs of a sarcophagus embedded in the rocky surface of the red planet last year.

Scott said his ‘discovery’ proved that Ancient Egyptians came from Mars.

“I got an interesting discovery on Mars that goes to archeology,” Scott said in a YouTube video about the find.

“There is an Ancient Egyptian tomb sort cut in the side of this mountain on Mars.

“Are ancient Egyptians from Mars? Did they then move to Egypt? Egypt is very similar in appearance and weather to that of Mars. No other place on Earth looks like Mars.”

4. Beer bottle

Some kooky online commentators think this looks like a bottle of Martian beer


Some kooky online commentators think this looks like a bottle of Martian beer

Apparently the Martians crack a cold open when we are not looking.

A self-described Mars “anomaly hunter” found what he claimed was evidence of a green beer bottle on the surface of Red Planet in 2017.

The image was towed by Nasa’s Spirit Rover during a mission to the surface of Mars in November 2007.

Thomas Miller, 64, who discovered the ‘anomaly’, admitted he could not be sure it was a beer bottle.

However, he said the idea that astronauts could one day share a briefing with ET was a pleasant one.

“Once we visit their planet, it would be nice to think we could sit down and have a beer with them,” Thomas told MailOnline.

5. Martian bear and cub

Hidden in this Nasa image is what humans have called a Martian bear and its cub


Hidden in this Nasa image is what humans have called a Martian bear and its cub
A bear and his puppy like a pair of rocks?  We know what our money is about


A bear and his puppy like a pair of rocks? We know what our money is about

Some fierce Mars fans think they have found evidence of Earth-like wildlife on Mars.

A “bear and his puppy” was found by basement dwellers in images of curiosity dating back to 2016.

YouTube user Mister Enigma posted the image in a video in which he claimed it “could be a creature or even a statue of a creature”.

He added: “What’s even stranger is that right next to it on the left we see what looks like a small creature like a puppy.

“Although the faces look different, it is possible that the beings are equal to what we have on earth.

“There are many theories about the origin of life on Earth that come from our neighbor Mars next door. So it is quite possible that this could be some kind of Martian bear.”

6. Foreign statues

This image shows a human-like figure on a rock that conspiracy theorists claimed was a strange statue


This image shows a human-like figure on a rock that conspiracy theorists claimed was a strange statueCredit: Nasa

Conspiracy cooks had a field day after landing Nasa’s Insight Mars lander in November 2018.

The contraption sent back some of the most detailed images of Mars, providing plenty of fodder for avid alien hunters.

One image cut by the machine showed a human-like figure on a rock that conspiracy theorists claimed was a strange statue.

Others said it was an early life form in the flesh. We are not so convinced.

Facts of Mars

Here’s what you need to know about the Red Planet …

  • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.
  • It is named after the Roman god of war
  • The land mass of Mars is very similar to Earth, but due to the difference in gravity you could jump three times higher than you can here
  • Mars is mountainous and hosts the highest mountain known in the solar system called Olympus Mons, which is three times higher than Everest
  • Mars is considered to be the second most habitable planet after Earth
  • It takes the planet 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun.
  • So far, there have been 39 missions to Mars, but only 16 of these have been successful
Mystery of Google Maps detected as ‘400-ice iceberg’ near Antarctica by collusion nuts

In other space news, Nasa’s manned mission to Mars could be delayed by 25 years as experts warn of radiation, health threats and food shortages.

Japan is ready to commemorate the largest moon of Mars after successfully completing all required paperwork for space contamination.

Nasa managed to record the incredible sound of a ‘Marsquake’ – which you can listen to here.

What do you think of the observations of Mars? Let us know in the comments!

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