Bolsonaro Endorses Unproven Drug in Coronavirus Battle: Live Updates | News

Hello and welcome to Al Jazeera’s continued coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. I am Kate Mayberry in Kuala Lumpur.

  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is again promoting the supposed benefits of hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug, as a treatment for COVID-19, as it again tests positive for the virus.
  • Nearly 13.5 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and more than 582,000 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Here are the latest updates.

Thursday July 16

02:35 GMT – China gives approval for early-stage human vaccine trials

China has given the green light to phase I clinical trials of a possible coronavirus vaccine using BioNtech technology.

Fosun Pharma says it plans to start the BNT162b1 test “as soon as possible once it’s ready.”

It is the ninth potential vaccine to go through various stages of human testing in China.

02:15 GMT – Japan’s internal tourism campaign under fire

Officials in Japan question the government’s plans to boost domestic tourism amid a surge in coronavirus cases in the capital.

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike questioned the wisdom of the plan on Wednesday and rural officials have also intervened. A panel of experts will debate the multi-million dollar “Go To” promotion on Thursday.

The campaign will begin on July 22, offering subsidized travel to people visiting areas outside of Tokyo.

The Governor has just announced the latest number of new cases in the capital.

01:15 GMT – Australian state of Victoria reports daily record cases

The Australian state of Victoria has just released its daily update on the coronavirus, reporting 317 new cases, a record for Australia. Two 80-year-old men were also confirmed to have died from the disease.

00:30 GMT – Bolsonaro promotes untested drugs while fighting coronavirus

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to promote hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, although there is little evidence that it works.

Bolsonaro, who tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time on Wednesday, shared a video on social media extolling the benefits of the controversial malaria drug.

“I was medicated from the beginning with hydroxychloroquine, with a doctor’s recommendation, “Bolsonaro said in the post.” I felt better the next day. If it’s a coincidence or not … it worked for me. ”

Scientists are not so convinced of the benefits. Doctors warn of serious side effects, and a study in May found an increased risk of death.

23:00 GMT – Spain cracks down on drinking tourists

Authorities on the Spanish island of Mallorca have ordered the closing of bars on the popular party streets of Magaluf and Palma, for fear that tourists who drink heavily will cause an increase in coronavirus cases.

The island is popular with German and British tourists and the regional government has already introduced heavy fines for anyone who throws illegal parties or violates the rules on social distancing and face masks.

It ordered the shutdown after a video of mainly German tourists strolling through bars and terraces appeared as if “no one had heard of the crown pandemic,” according to the German-language publication Mallorca Zeitung.

Read all of yesterday’s updates here.

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