Bitcoin at K 15K is now bigger than PayPal, Coca-Cola, Netflix, Disney

At the beginning of September this year, when the price of BTC hovered around $ 10,000, the market capitalization of Bitcoin (BTC) was around billion 190 billion.

In the last two months, however, the value of Bitcoin has risen to over 15,000. With that, the market cap of Bitcoin increased from 190 190 billion to 28 280 billion. This now makes Bitcoin more valuable than most US companies.

Weekly price chart of Bitcoin. Source: Trading

Bitcoin is the equivalent of the 18th largest trading company in the US

If the valuation of Bitcoin is compared to the U.S. If done with publicly listed companies in, it will match the 18th largest company.

Home Depot is the 17th largest company in the US with a market cap of 30 306 billion. Verizon comes behind it with a valuation of 24 242 billion, which makes a big difference between the two.

With Bitcoin currently having a market cap of around 28 280 billion, it is larger than all US companies outside the top 17.

Companies that have overtaken Bitcoin in recent months include some big names like Netflix, PayPal, Bofa, Coca-Cola, Salesforce and Disney.

U.S. through market capitalization. Top companies in Source: Dr. of Dr.

Bitcoin is still in the U.S. In Visa, MasterCard and JPMorgan are the three largest financial institutions. In order for the top cryptocurrency to surpass all three, it would have to hit a market cap of $ 23,000 or 42 6,426 billion.

However, the price of BTC must reach around 120K for Bitcoin to reach the world’s most expensive company Apple Pal with a market cap of tr 2 trillion dollars.

Investors will be aware of the possibility of Bitcoin’s asymmetrical risk-reward

Meanwhile, analysts expect BTC to enter price search during 2020 and early 2021 and hit a new-all-time high.