BioWare confirms new Dragon Age game is still in development

If you were expecting more information on the next Dragon Age, potentially Dragon Age 4, keep waiting. BioWare executive producer Mark Darrah has shared a bit of information, confirming that the team is, in fact, working on the game from home.

The tweet doesn’t provide much information, but it confirms that the team is working from home and that working from home is more difficult for developers.

The new Dragon Age was announced at the Game Awards in 2018 with the teaser “Dread Wolf Rises,” but EA and BioWare haven’t shared much else about the game. Darrah said in a blog post in 2018 that the new game had been in process for “quite a long time.” During an earnings call in October 2019, EA Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen said the new Dragon Age probably won’t launch until after April 2022, so don’t expect too much new information for a long time.

Dragon Age: Inquisition, the latest game in the series, released in 2014 for Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

GameSpot gave the title a 9/10 in our Dragon Age: Inquisition review, with critic Kevin VanOrd writing: “The characters and the world of Inquisition, on the other hand, recall the great gestures of the original Dragon Age, despite the fact that the game as a whole is so structurally different from its predecessors. It offers the thrill of discovery and the passion of camaraderie. It has a glee club called The Sing-Quisition, and a dwarf with writer’s block. It makes connections to its world of Big and small, with the view of a titanic temple and the smile of an enamored Orlesian commander. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a wonderful game and a long pilgrimage to a magical world with vital thematic ties to one we already know. “

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Playing now: Dragon Age – Official preview of ‘The Dread Wolf Rises’ | The Game Awards 2018

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