Billie Eilish releases’ My Future ‘in time for Finneas’ birthday

Billie Eilish returned with her new single “My Future” on Thursday, which is also her brother / collaborator Finneas’ 23rd birthday.

The song follows “No Time to Die,” the title track for a James Bond movie not released yet. Its corresponding animated video was created by Australian artist Andrew Onorato.

Beginning characteristically melancholic, “My Future” is actually Eilish’s most uplifting song to date. As the images suggest, the song begins on the dark and gloomy side, but for a minute and 45 seconds, the sun shines and a percussive beat begins, speeding things up to a danceable level. “I am in love with my future, I can’t wait to meet her. I am in love, but not with anyone else. I just want to know myself, “Eilish oozes through jazzy vocals before the rain clears just in time for a funky bass line.

“We wrote this at the beginning of the quarantine,” Eilish said in an email to fans on launch day. “It is a song that is very, very personal and special to me. When we wrote this song, it was exactly where my head was: hopeful, excited and crazy amount of self-reflection and personal growth. But recently it has also acquired many new meanings in the context of what is happening in the world now. I hope everyone can find meaning for yourselves. ”

Eilish released their debut album When we all fall asleep, where do we go? via Darkroom / Interscope last year. An emo tour de force in the pop bedroom sector, it finally became the best-performing album of 2019 and spawned the single “Bad Guy,” now six times platinum. She won five Grammy Awards this January, sweeping the Big Four categories (Album of the Year, Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best New Artist) and taking the Best Pop Vocal Album category as well. O’Connell took home the Producer of the Year and Best Designed Album of her own trophies.

After the Grammys, Eilish released “No Time to Die,” the title track of the latest installment in the James Bond film franchise. She performed the song with Johnny Marr at the Brit Awards before the film’s release was delayed in April due to the coronavirus pandemic. In March, Eilish launched a brief arena tour that was also interrupted by the pandemic.

“The future feels uncertain and crazy right now,” Eilish continued in his email. “But I think we should be ready to put the job in, and if we do, we should have hope and enthusiasm for our future. I have to keep reminding myself that the future is ours, and I know that we want to do everything we can to improve it for everyone in the world and for the world itself. We need to stay educated and aware of what is going on around us. We need to keep looking forward. We need to keep fighting for what we know is right. We need to vote. We need to take care of the earth. We need to fight for all the lives of blacks. And we need alone. be. best. It is up to us to change things now. Not only for us, but for future generations. Stay safe. Staying healthy. Wear a mask. Drinking water. Keep the hope “.

As MTV aptly wrote in Eilish’s Instagram post mocking “My Future”: “At least I’m working from home so no one will see me cry.”