Wilmington, Dale. – The final belt of the presidential campaign is usually a non-stop mix of travel, caffeine and adrenaline. But with the United States suffering the worst epidemic in a century, Biden takes the low key.
According to the Associated Press, California’s Sen. Since Kamala Harris was chosen as her running mate, Biden has had 22 days where she either did not appear in public, only raised virtual funds or just left her Delaware home for her church, according to an Associated Press. Press analysis of his schedule. He made 12 visits outside of Delaware during that period, including a trip to Washington on Friday in honor of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
The subject’s moderator will bring on the first bye-Trump presidential debate next week after Crisis and LA.
During the same period, President Donald Trump made 24 trips that took him to 17 different states, not counting personal visits to New York to see his sick brother in a hospital or at a backend golf outing.
Biden’s aides insist his approach is purposeful, demonstrating his respect for public health guidelines aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus and presenting responsible contradictions with public trust – which he sometimes objected to the objections of local officials. Still, some Democrats say it’s serious that Biden is motivating his campaign with more rhetoric.
Texas Democratic Party President Gilberto Hinojosa said not traveling because of the epidemic was “a very lame excuse.”
“I thought he had his own plane,” Hinojosa said. “On a commercial airline like me he doesn’t have to sit in the middle of another person.”
Hinojosa argued that Biden could speed up Latino voting by preferring visits to Texas and Arizona and potentially reduce the pressure on him to make Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania successful – where he has so far focused on travel.
Biden’s spokesman T.J. “We are campaigning safely and effectively and our message is reaching voters in war-torn states and generating the enthusiasm and will needed to defeat Donald Trump,” Ducklow said.
The race between Biden and Trump has usually been continuous for months. Biden has maintained a comfortable lead in most national polls and has the advantage of being brief in many war-torn states that make election decisions.
But polls that traditionally show a competitive race or Democratic advantage in Republican states proved to be the wrong indicators for Democrats in 2016.
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Four years later, Biden faces constant questions about his campaign planning and engagement with voters. When she visited Charlotte, North Carolina, on Wednesday for the Black Economic Summit, she told Collette Alst, president of the Native African American Caucus, that she had only received one day’s notice – when she saw it on TV.
Only 16 people attended the event and warned Ston Lust that Biden doesn’t reach out to locals like he thinks they need to – “People who are like, I don’t care, I don’t really want to vote.”
“I believe he can win North Carolina,” Alton said. “Can he win based on what he’s doing right now? No. That’s not the way to win.”
Biden’s swing state visits often seem tailor-made for a television package: a small, socially spaced roundabout or town hall, always with less than 25 people; Occasionally local business stops or interviews with first responders; And then hours of back-to-back local media interviews.
In addition to further travel, Biden has been urged by some Democrats to expand his message. While he has given solo speeches on issues such as criminal justice reform, climate change and the Supreme Court vacancy last week, Biden largely ignores those issues during the halt of his campaign. When he appears before voters, he is usually laser-focused on the virus and its mismanagement by the Trump administration.
When the grand jury decided not to bring charges against the police officers directly involved in Brona Taylor’s murder, it offered condolences to her mother but declined to comment on camera specifics of the case. He later issued a more detailed written statement.
David Axelrod, a former strategist and adviser to Barack Obama, said the Biden campaign was “prudent” to focus on the epidemic because it was “anchored in the president’s neck.” But he said that if Biden did not say much about moving the Supreme Court forward, he would not say much about the impact it could have on health care in particular.
“The future of the Affordable Care Act, and especially the future of the protection of people with predetermined conditions, is a very close issue, and that’s what led the Democrats to victory in 2018,” Axelrod said.
Biden’s aides say relatively light schedules, small events and message discipline still represent the biggest issue facing most Americans today: the coronavirus epidemic. Biden has also demanded a responsible confrontation between Trump and his rallies, where thousands leave masks.
“Whenever Trump shows up and rallies less than a mask and says this thing has been suppressed, the Democrats are winning the cowardly war,” said Jim Kessler, executive vice president of the moderate Democratic group Third Way.
Biden maintains a hefty schedule even when not traveling. His campaign has become a largely funded powerhouse through virtual events. He collected a record 36 4,364 million in August Gust which has allowed him to sweep the airwaves across the country and leave Trump behind.
Still, Trump sees the travel paradox as an opportunity to argue that his packed schedule shows that Biden is working. The president captured the Biden campaign announcement at 9:30 a.m. Thursday that he would have no public events for the day.
Biden spent the day preparing for his first debate against Trump next week.
“Did you see that he licked this morning?” Trump spoke about Biden during a rally Thursday night at an airport hangar in Jacksonville, Florida. “The assessment is when you present the words that you will not campaign today. So it always identifies. I’m in Texas. I’m in Ohio. I’m in North Carolina, South Carolina. I’m in Michigan. I’m all over the place. “
Biden’s aides said they see evidence in public and private polls that the virus remains at the top of the psyche for most voters, and that they have a compelling case of causing too much distress that is Trump’s fault. They also say their focus on small, high-impact events achieves results.
Still, the cautious approach is not shared by Biden’s wife, Jill, who has ventured as far as Maine and made four stops in Virginia on Thursday. She is moving to Iowa, another state where her husband has visited on Saturdays in recent months.
Democrat Hillary Schultz, who is seeking an open House seat in Michigan, visited the food bank in Grand Rapids, the state’s second-largest city, with Jill Biden last week morning. He is aware that B Eden may not be suing.
“People will want to see him here,” Scholten said. “So-called, there is a global epidemic.”