Biden’s campaign to run ads on Trump’s Goodyear remarks

The ad seeks to portray Trump as a leader who is only interested in personal gain.

“An American company with a history of 122 years, thousands of American workers and competitors, all over the world,” says one narrator, “and a sitting president who spins out of control would risk American jobs to save his own.”

Two versions of the ad, first viewed by CNN, will play on both television and YouTube and concentrate in areas close to the band’s headquarters in Akron, Ohio, and a manufacturing plant in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The Ohio ad includes a quote from Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan.

“When you come to Goodyear, you come to Akron,” Horrigan said. The paid media mark a pointed attempt on the part of the Biden campaign to make inroads in key states where Trump’s Hillary Clinton existed in 2016.

There was no clear leader in either state in two recent CBS News polls conducted in late July, which showed that Biden was at 45% for Trump’s 46% in Ohio and up 48% after the president’s 44% in North Carolina.
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Last week, Trump called on his followers not to buy Goodyear tires after an employee posted a viral photo of a corporate policy banning “Make America Great Again” and other political clothing on the job floor. Trump also threatened to remove the company’s tires from his custom presidential limousine.

“DO NOT BUY GOODYEAR TIRES – They Announced A BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get Better Tires For Much Less! (This is what the Democrats of the Radical Left are doing. Two can play the same game, and we need to start playing it now! ), “Trump twittered.

Good year said in a statement following the president’s tweet that “the visual in question was not created or disseminated by Goodyear corporate”, but that it asked its colleagues to “remember workplace expressions in support of political campaign for each candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of plea that outside the scope of issues of racial justice and equality.

The company also stated that it “has always strongly supported and will continue to uphold equality and law enforcement.”

Biden is currently blowing up the president’s remarks, saying the factory workers are not a “source of pride” for Trump.

“Goodyear has deployed thousands of U.S. employees, including in Ohio where it is headquartered,” Biden said in a statement following Trump’s remarks. “For President Trump, those workers and their jobs are not a source of pride, just collateral damage in yet another of his political attacks.”

Biden continued to point out the importance of union positions.

“President Trump has no clue about the dignity and value that comes with well-paying unions in places like Goodyear – jobs that can support a family and sustain a community,” he said, accusing the president of “his eyes take off the ball. ”

The ad is part of the $ 26 million ongoing national paid media investment in the Biden television, radio and digital campaign.
