Biden Unveils Coronavirus Epidemic Approach to ‘Transformation COVID-19 Advisory Council’

In their first official move to be elected president, BN Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris on Monday announced the formation of the Transition COVID-19 Advisory Council, which will help “shape” the administration’s approach to managing the coronavirus epidemic.

The board is headed by Co-Chairman Dr. Will do David Kessler, who served as FDA commissioner in both the George HW Bush and Clinton administrations; Dr .. Vivek Murthy, Surgeon General under the Obama administration; And Dale. Marcella Nunez-Smith, associate professor of internal medicine, public health and management at Yale University. Also on board: Dr. E. Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of the Affordable Care Act and former special adviser on health policy during the Obama administration.

According to a recent update by Johns Hopkins University, U.S. Among 10 million total coronavirus cases, more than 237,000 deaths are being described as the third CIVID-19 wave.

Biden’s first move as per presidential choice? Mask mandate for all

Biden also announced on Monday that Dr. Biden, who helped create the “epidemic playbook” under the Obama administration. Beth Cameron, and Dr. who served on the Biden Campaign Advisory Committee on Coronavirus. Rebecca Katz will serve as a transition consultant on COVID. -19.

“Dealing with the coronavirus epidemic is one of the most important battles facing our administration, and I will be informed by science and experts,” Biden said in a statement. “The advisory body will help shape my approach to additional management of reported infections; Ensure that vaccines are distributed safely, effectively and efficiently, appropriately and for free; And protection of endangered populations. “

According to the Biden Transition team, board members have the experience to be “involved and at the forefront of our country’s response to a nationwide and global public health crisis”.

Biden delivered a central message in his campaign to end the coronavirus epidemic, and according to Fox News voter analysis, voters favored the former vice president over President Trump on the question of who is better able to handle the epidemic.

Other members include Dr. Luciana Borrio, who has held several senior leadership positions in the FDA; Dr. Rick Bright, who served as director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and as deputy assistant secretary for preparedness and response in the Department of Health and Human Services under the Trump administration; Dr. Atul Gawde; Dr. Celine Gounder; D Jul Julie Morita; Dr. Michael. Michael Os Sterholm who served as science envoy for health protection on behalf of the State Department, and as a state pathologist for Minnesota; D IV. Lois Paes, who served in leadership positions at the LIVESTRONG Foundation and the American Cancer Society; Dr. Robert Rodriguez; Eric Goosby and Drs.

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The advisory board will “help guide the Biden-Harris transition in planning for a strong federal response from the president-elect.”

The board’s scientists and public health experts will consult with state and local officials to “determine public health and economic measures to control the virus, provide immediate relief to working families, address ongoing racial and ethnic inequalities, and ensure safe and effective access to our schools.” And reopen businesses. “

The board is expected to come up with a seven-point plan to defeat COVID-19, including increasing testing, securing personal protective equipment (PPE) supply chains with the Defense Production Act and investing in vaccines.

President Trump, earlier this year, called for the Defense Production Act to mobilize the private sector to provide medical devices, mostly masks, or what health care professionals need to treat patients infected with COVID-19. In April, the president also made provision for the Defense Production Act to treat meat processing plants as part of a crucial infrastructure in the country, as concerns were raised that the epidemic would disrupt the food supply chain.

When it comes to vaccines, one or more Covid-19 vaccines could be ready before the end of 2020, according to Trump administration officials, who say they are “cautiously optimistic”, albeit in “limited quantities.”

Alex Azar, Trump’s secretary of health and human services, added that by the end of January, there would be enough vaccine doses for all senior citizens, health care workers and first responders, and for all Americans who want them in late March or early April. .

“There is hope in the form of a safe and effective vaccine in a matter of weeks or months,” Azar said.

The Trump administration is currently producing six potential vaccines through a program called Operation Vorp Speed. The Food and Drug Administration plans to start distributing the vaccine as soon as it is vaccinated for use.

Once they become available, the Deputy Director of Infectious Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. According to Jay Butler, the vaccine will be distributed to those most at risk for the virus and essential health care workers. He said all the jurisdictions had submitted their distribution plans to the CDC and the plans are currently under review.

Biden wins presidency

Meanwhile, Biden will push for the re-establishment of the Obama-era White House National Security Council, the Directorate of Health Security and Biodefence, while reuniting with the World Health Organization.

Biden’s move to rejoin the World Health Organization came after Trump issued a notice to step down, which will not take effect until July 2021.

Trump announced in April that the U.H.O. Would freeze funding, and threatened to make the freeze permanent if the organization did not implement “major significant improvements.” U.S. A year in the agency. Is the largest contributor to 450 million. China, meanwhile, pays about 50 50 million a year – although Beijing recently announced an injection of 2 billion.

Notice submitted by the Trump Administration by the World Health Organization

Trump has repeatedly expressed concern about WHO officials’ appreciation of Chinese “transparency”, ignored warnings about the virus from Taiwan, and reiterated his Chinese claims that COVID-19 cannot be spread person-to-person. Trump has also drawn attention to the opposition of WHO officials to his decision to impose a travel ban on China in the early days of the crisis.

Biden also visited the U.S. Department of Development’s Pathogen Tracking Program. The agency is expected to relaunch under the name “Predict” and call on all governors to implement the mask order.

Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign focused strongly on the novel coronavirus, as the USA fought the epidemic. With President Trump being hospitalized shortly after signing a deal with Covid-19, as well as the fall in coronavirus in key states across the country, the campaign focused firmly on the issue, which did not favor the president’s chances of re-election.

Fox News’ Jacques Henrik and Lucas Manfredi contributed to this report.