Biden unveils $ 2 billion plan to boost clean energy and rebuild infrastructure

WILMINGTON, Del. – Joe Biden alleges that when President Trump thinks about climate change, the only word he can say is “deception.”

And the former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee emphasized that when he thinks of climate change, “the word I think of is jobs: well-paying union jobs that will put Americans to work.”


Biden made his remarks Tuesday in a speech in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, when he proposed spending $ 2 trillion over four years to drive the development of more clean energy to achieve a pollution-free energy sector by 2035 and net emissions from zero carbon 15 years later. The former vice president called for the rebuilding of the nation’s ruined infrastructure.

“These are not cake dreams in heaven. These are actionable policies that we can work on immediately, “Biden emphasized.

“We can live up to our responsibilities, meet the challenges of a world at risk of a climate catastrophe, build more climate-resistant communities, put millions of skilled workers on the job, and make life noticeably better and safer for the people U.S. once and benefit the world in the process, “he added.

Hogan Gidley, national press secretary for Trump’s re-election campaign, pointing to Biden’s plan, said it was “more like a socialist manifesto that promises to massively raise taxes, cut jobs in the coal, oil or natural gas industries.” , and crush the middle class. “

Biden called for transforming the federal fleet from gas vehicles to electricity, building 500,000 charging stations on the nation’s highways for electric vehicles, upgrading 4 million buildings and air-conditioning 2 million homes in the next four years to increase energy efficiency and offer government grants for touch-up factories. His plan also calls for the creation of a Division of Environmental and Climate Justice within the Department of Justice.

The former vice president’s proposal goes beyond the one he presented during the Democratic presidential primaries, and reflects his adoption of some of the positions of his former rivals. Its total price of $ 2 billion is up to $ 300 billion from its original plan.


The proposal was unveiled following the publication of recommendations from a joint working group created by Biden and populist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who was his last remaining rival in the primary race before the end of his campaign. First-year progressive representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York co-chaired the Biden-Sanders working group on climate change

Biden emphasized that “we can create millions of high-paying union jobs by building modern infrastructure and a clean energy future. These are the most important investments we can make for the long-term health and vitality of the American economy and the physical health and safety of the American people. “

Pointing to the president, Biden said that on climate change, Trump and the Republican Party are pushing “retrospective policies that will harm the environment, make communities less healthy and delay economic promise.”

Biden’s speech was broadcast live on major national cable news networks, and the former vice president did not miss the opportunity to also point to the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

He urged the president to “stop pressing the false choice between protecting our health and protecting our economy.” All it does is jeopardize our recovery on both fronts. ”

Noting that Trump last weekend publicly wore a mask for the first time, Biden said the pandemic “has gotten so bad that even Donald Trump finally decided to wear a mask in public.” I’m glad you made the change. Mr President, it is not enough. “

In attacking Biden’s plan, Gidley said, “It is clear that Biden is indebted to the radical socialist ideology of Senator Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”

And he argued that Biden is “pressing extreme policies that would suffocate the economy just when it shows signs of recovery.”

United Auto Workers, one of the many major unions that have backed Biden, said, “This ambitious plan is beneficial to all jobs in manufacturing, automotive, new technology and a cleaner environment.


The American Petroleum Institute, the national trade association representing the nation’s oil and natural gas industry, emphasized that “the risks of climate change cannot be addressed without the United States oil and natural gas industry, which continues to lead the world in reducing emissions while providing affordable, reliable and cleaner energy to all Americans. ”

Mike Sommers, the group’s president and CEO, noted that Biden’s plan would require a large amount of infrastructure, a goal that we all share. Unfortunately, it comes at a time when we have seen opposition to energy projects of all kinds with activist groups obstructing development every step of the way. ”

After Biden concluded his speech, the pool reporter covering his campaign event asked if he had time to answer some questions. The former vice president did not respond when he left.