Biden just made it a lot harder for Republicans to tag him ‘Slow Joe’

‘Look, I understand it. I understand how difficult it is to have all hope now. Let me take a moment this summer night to talk to those of you who have lost the most. I have some idea what it feels like to lose someone you love, ‘said Biden. ‘I know that deep black hole that pops up in the middle of your chest and that you feel like you’re sucking in there. I know how mean, cruel, and unjust life can sometimes be. ‘

His remarks contained a major hit of lines he has used over and over again on the campaign track. From learning how to deal with loss, to his initial reaction to Trump’s remarks about white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, to the lessons his father taught him, the messages and even exact phrases were known for Bid, and probably helped his smooth delivery.

Biden also wavered in a long list of ridiculously sounding policy statements, but he increased the importance of character, decency and compassion. In turn, he delivered less of a celebratory conventional speech than an early inauguration as an address of State of the Union.

When the former vice president looked at cameras, he stood in front of a darkened room, where reporters, wearing face masks, sat in chairs, six feet apart. Biden had waited more than half a century to give this speech. It came on the last day of a virtual convention where speakers and videos humanized the 77-year-old career politician as a source of empathy – a decent family man – and someone who had a sense of normalcy in America and order in ‘ the world would resurface.

By tackling the nation’s gloomy mood and reaching out to those who suffered from the pandemic, Biden sought to distinguish his style of leadership from Trump, who has long been criticized for not remembering those. who died from the virus.

“Here and now I give you my word,” Biden said. ‘If you entrust me with the presidency, I will sign the best of us, not the worst. I will be an ally of light, not darkness. “

Biden has spent a lot of time talking to Trump. But his staff, suspecting news reports that reflect reflectively on the president, insisted that criticizing Trump was not the main point of the speech. Biden drew on long lines of optimism and urged Americans to push past partisanship.

Biden’s order delivery could make it harder for Trump to portray him as staggering and senile (“Slow Joe”) at the Republican convention next week. At the same time, Biden’s focus on policy in the medium term complicates Trump’s attempts to tag his ticket as pawns of the radical left.

While Biden put his caricatures of Trump at rest, at least until the debates, he also validated the gut feelings of Democratic primary voters who chose him over younger, more flashy or progressive options. He had presented himself as the ‘safe’ conventional choice, but his appearance sometimes still feels like watching a veteran tight hiker try to stay balanced.

After concluding his remarks, it was Biden who seemed relieved.

Democrats exchanged fireworks for the traditional balloon drop to mark the closing of events. In the most festive moment of the night, Biden stood on a stage outside, American flags in the background. His wife Jill stood next to him along with his newly-married running mate, Kamala Harris, and her husband, Doug Emhoff. On a hot summer night, they looked up at the explosion of colors in the air as a roaring crowd lured to the drive-in convention site.

It was a moment of charity and Biden appeared playful.

When a reporter called to ask how he was feeling, Biden pulled his face mask down briefly and shouted, “Welcome to Wilmington!”