Biden is ahead in the polls, but Better is gambling on Trump

LAS VEGAS – Emotions were running high on the night of the 2016 election, especially if you have a જેટલી 30,000 line.

“I went on election night with Trump minus 28,000, Clinton plus ,000 25,000,” Paul Krishnamurthy, a political analyst at Batfair, the world’s largest into online betting exchange, told Fox News.

Donald Trump’s victory that night over Hillary Clinton almost four years ago came as a surprise to professional gamblers and voters.

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“I think everyone was shocked by the shell, right? You were just watching these crazy results coming and everything flipped, ”Krishnamurthy said. “I was able to halve my loss on Trump. But it was not a good night. “

About 58% of all bets in the 2020 race were placed on Trump in August, according to a leading odds comparison site dsdchecker in the UK. 55.8% bets have been received so far this coming September.

Trump was the longshot who paid the big bucks in 2016, and the 2020 presidential race may look much closer to overseas betting markets than the 2020 presidential election, as gamblers hope he can avoid obstacles once again.

Krishnamurthy said that Trump has made this fairy tale a betting story.

Krishnamurthy noted that according to recent Batfair hurdles, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has a 53% chance of winning compared to Trump’s 46%, although the numbers fluctuate and “the next day was virtually 0/50,” Krishnamurthy noted. .

Betting on elections dates back to the late 19th century where pool halls were doubled as a conditional exchange before entering W Street Street, where a multi-million dollar deceptive practice was introduced to shape American politics.

The 301st election saw huge sums of money for betting markets, which have become increasingly popular as a way to determine the odds of a candidate winning.

Predict’s Chief Marketing Brand Fisher Brandy Travis, researched baked betting exchange to legally gamble on politics in the US and one of only two places believes betting markets are more accurate than voting.

“The logic behind it is that when you vote for people, you ask people, what do you want to be? And with real money forecast markets, you ask people what you think and what you think you will put their money behind, ”Travis said.

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During this year’s Iowa Caucus, B Biden was the frontrunner and Sen. In the second part near Bernie Sanders, Sen. Featured by Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Battingig.

Predictit put Battingig in the lead.

“Many people were surprised that Batigig won. However, if you looked at our markets in Iowa, you would see that we are ahead of everyone else, ”said Travis.

Prior to the 2016 election, betting markets had a strong track record.

During the 2016 presidential race, Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney were virtually tied in the national election, while betting markets such as Batfair and the current non-operational Irish betting site, Intraday, challenged Obama even more.

Krishnamurthy said that till 2015, the markets had an amazing record. “The first 15 years of Batfair they never failed to provide 100 days of British or American elections and then they all went insane – Trump, Brexit. I think people have lost a lot of faith in them now.”

While overseas markets are more favorable to Trump, Predict, founded in 2014, has a strong lead, with Biden showing a 59% chance of winning in less than two months from the November election.

“It was ahead of May and hasn’t dropped since,” Travis said.

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Rob Lang, a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, argued that betting is not more valuable in the market than conventional voting, except on election night.

“They are emotional markets. Batters don’t have much understanding of what’s going on politically, someone just has to pay careful attention, “Lang said.” Election night they’re not bad because they gather information quickly and then apply it to the market. ”

They say that talking about money, and the national vote could show Trump with a fight on the battlefield, it is clear that gamblers are ready to play the odds.