Behind the scenes of Wright’s 2020 League of Legends World Championships

2020 League of Legends The World Championships were considered by Riot to be the biggest and most elaborate event ever. It was to be a true 10th anniversary success for the final tournament in the world’s most famous escort. But this is 2020, which means things often don’t go as we planned.

For Riot, that means having no fans in the studio due to the COVID-19 epidemic, hosting the 2020 event around the world in almost one place. So the riot production crew, together with its creative partners, made it possible to bring the production company to Possible Sible. League of Legends Shanghai for the universe to the world. In a behind-the-scenes video, Riot’s executive producer for Worlds 2020, Nick Troop, and potential co-founder and creative director Michael Fig revealed how the team pulled the two worlds together.

Fig explained in the video that while the product may not travel around China, as it normally does for the worlds, Hull wanted every stage of the World Championships to feel unique to fans watching it at home. To overcome this, the team brought some of the world’s most advanced LED screens and used the same unrealistic engine-powered technology used in the film. The Mandlorian To create an immersive stage setup that changed themes completely, depending on what stage of the tournament they were in, with each theme on the theme. LeagueEarly Dragon of the game.

Wright Worlds 2020 stage during the opening ceremony for a stage

The mixed reality of the riots in full effect for the opening of the Dragon Stage of the World Ocean 2020
Image: Riot games

“After all, given the very real fact, the origins of Worlds will be established in Shanghai this year, [we wanted to] Try and take the audience to other venues in the context of the event, we continued to rediscover the venue that both the pro players and our spectators knew this was happening, ”Troop told Poligan in a recent interview.

Throughout the video, Troop and Fig. Provide plenty of interesting information about the impressive technology that drives many LED screens on stage. And while the screens that make up the stage are displaying the environment’s ridiculously high resolution 32K video, there’s also a whole 360-degree mixed-reality background outside the added LED screen for stream viewers.

Mixed reality view of the stage of League of Legends Worlds 2020

A studio with and without a mixed-reality background.
Image: Riot games

Troop said the riot and potentially wanted to create something that was not just a sound stage, but an expression of the city. That’s why you see such iconic buildings in every version of the set. We know we’re always in Shanghai, so there’s a sense of place, but it’s always different. “

By covering the studio in a 360-degree skyline and moving the cameras wherever they want, Riot and Possible give the area the concept of 3D space and turn the studio into a real-life space. And while no background atmosphere can totally change the thousands of screaming fans, the impressive metal certainly comes closer in the mixed reality of a tumultuous and possible world effect 2020.