Before Kamala Harris made history, there was Charlotta Bass

As a candidate for the nation’s second-highest office under the Progressive Party’s ticket in 1952, she addressed conventions on March 30 that year.

“I stand before you with great pride,” she said. “This is a historic moment in American political life. Historical for myself, for my people, for all women. For the first time in the history of this nation, a political party has elected a Negro woman to the second highest office in the country. “
In a nod to her minimal chances of winning was her campaign slogan: “Win or lose, we win by overcoming the problems.” Her party lost to Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower, but her campaign decades ago helped open doors for minority candidates today, according to experts.

“Bass has certainly paved the way for the Kamalas of today, in terms of both their identity and their coalition-building policy,” said Keisha N. Blain, associate professor of history at the University of Pittsburgh and author of “Set the World on Fire: Black nationalist women and the global struggle for freedom. “

“But it is equally important to talk about the countless Black women whose labor has formed the backbone of the Democratic Party.”

Charlotta A. Bass was a Vice Presidential candidate for vice president in 1952.

Bass made history before running for VP

Bass began making history long before she ran for office. The activist-turned-politician was born in South Carolina in 1874. She later moved to the West Coast, where she became one of the first African-American women to own a newspaper and run a business – the California Eagle.

Her fight against injustice began decades before her political bid. She used her newspaper as a platform to cover issues such as police brutality, restrictive housing, the Ku Klax Klan and civil liberties.

She was such an important advocate for civil liberties, women’s rights and immigration, she received death threats. The FBI also placed her under surveillance after she was branded a communist show of government records.

When Bass’ husband died in 1934, they increased their activism by joining groups fighting injustice. She also founded the National Sojourner for Truth and Justice Club, which worked to improve working conditions for Black women.

“Throughout her career, Bass evolved and worked with various political groups, capturing the richness and complexity of Black politics,” Blain said.

She served as president of a chapter of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, working with the modern NAACP, and was a leader among leftists and communists in the Sojourners for Truth and Justice, she added.

“Bass’s ability to move within radical and more mainstream circles – and her ability to extract important insights from each other – is an important lesson for Harris as she strives to form a successful political coalition with Biden,” Blain said.

While Bass has been a major figure in politics, Blain said, equally important are Charlene Mitchell, Shirley Chisholm and countless other Black women who – often behind the scenes – have worked to make minorities in politics mainstream.

Vincent Hallinan (left) Progressive presidential candidate, Charlotta Bass and Paul Robeson.

“Mitchell ran for president on the Communist Party ticket in 1968, and Chisholm campaigned in the Democratic presidential primary in 1972. These women paved the way for Harris and other Black women in presidential politics,” she said.

The candidate for president of the Progressive Party was Vincent Hallinan, a lawyer who ran for office from behind bars after being jailed for six months on contempt charges.
Denise Lynn, a history professor at the University of Southern Indiana, said the Progressive Party was against the United States acting as a global police force, especially in former colonies where the majority of the people were not White.
“The Progressive Party ran … on a platform that opposed militarism, war and political competition with the Soviet Union in favor of social justice, economic equality and peace. Bass was instrumental in getting the Progressive Party to the vote in California, Lynn wrote in a piece published this year.

Hallinan received 140,000 votes.
