Batman rumored “Gotham Knights” Teaser revelations continue with another puzzle piece, two-face reference

Update 3: The teaser page has now revealed another code, which leads to a second part of the map image with a reference to the Batman villain Two-Face. Given the remaining countdown timers, we can expect another piece of the puzzle on Thursday and Friday, ahead of Saturday’s revelation at DC Fandome.

No title given

Update 2: The countdown on the teaser page has officially ended, but it failed to reopen. Instead, it gave the 761 code that fans had previously noted, and unlocked the same map image. It also says to return on 8/19, with new countdown timers for each day this week – presumably leading to the Saturday reveal.

No title given

Update: Internet sleuths have started playing the World’s Greatest Detective by digging into the teaser page for the Gotham Knights announcement. It looks like the codes will unlock new teases throughout the week, possibly also showing various icons that could represent factions in the game.

WB Games Montreal has announced its next game, with an interview scheduled for DC Fandome. But maybe we can hear more about it as soon as tomorrow, judging by new teasers for the game that is rumored to be called Batman: Gotham Knights.

A teaser released on Twitter includes an encrypted message, along with short drawings for video clips in a frame. It soon flashes a more organic image, some fans of which have speculative looks resembling an owl emblem. This follows rumors that the new game will be based at least in part on the storyline of the Court of Owls, in which Batman comes head-to-head against a shadowy cabal of the Gotham elite.

Meanwhile, the official site has started a countdown timer that seems to end tomorrow 8/18. That could finally be the unveiling of the game ahead of the developer estimate this weekend, but it could of course also lead to more teasers.

Leases for the next World Cup Montreal game have been slowly released since September 2019, so an announcement has remained difficult for some time. Most of the promotion has used the slogan “Capture the Knight”. Rumors have suggested that this may be called Gotham Knights, a reference to an early 2000 series that revolves around the entire Bat family of criminals.

The WB Montreal panel at DC Fandome will begin at 10:30 pm PT on August 22nd. Later that day, at 5 p.m. PT, Rocksteady will showcase its Suicide Squad game with a panel titled “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.” It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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Spilet no: Baldur’s Gate 3 Release Date, Deathloop Delay, & Another Batman Tease | Steat opslaan

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