The harsh winter is followed by a harsher spring. The B117 virus mutation exacerbates the pandemic. How to take countermeasures, why the confinement does not end and how the motivation of the population should be kept high.
It will be a harsh autumn and a harsh winter, ”announced ÖVP Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the end of the summer. From today’s perspective, when the cold season ends, a harsh spring will follow. Because the signs of the pandemic have changed again with the new mutation of the B117 virus. It is significantly more contagious than the previous virus and will soon be the dominant form in this country as well. Virologists largely agree on this.
What a spread means can be read today in Britain: sicker, more dead and tougher measures. On the other hand, vaccines, which are still rare, are carriers of hope in a race against time. What Austria expects in the coming weeks.