In the future, personal records may be required in the hospitality and catering industry, as well as in sports facilities, leisure and cultural facilities, as well as hospitals and nursing homes.
9 pm, December 10, 2020
The National Council will decide on a corresponding amendment on Friday. The police wanted to be given authority over z. B. be able to control compliance with quarantine. After protests from the opposition, the government is now abandoning this part of the project.
The reasons for the logs are that this data may be needed to keep track of contacts. The rule is limited to the middle of next year. It is legally possible for the data to be collected using a QR code.
Names and details such as phone number and email address, as well as length of stay, should be noted. All of this only applies if the person spends more than a quarter of an hour at the facility or event. The data must be transmitted at the request of the health authority. Museums, libraries, game rooms and swimming pools are included. The private sector, meetings and commerce are excluded. Take away food is also possible without registration.
However, the police should not be allowed to go to crown investigations in the private area. The corresponding amendment was modified again Thursday evening. Now it is stipulated that the executive can enter commercial premises, means of transport, other buildings and localities if this is urgently necessary for the lifting of the crown and the control measures. However, the private living room cannot be entered. Everything will be decided on Friday.
Finally, provisions are made for Christmas travel restrictions. Travel regulation no longer focuses only on risk states, but on all countries.