Corona traffic light – warning level increased, but no further measures


“This is not scaremongering, it is simply a wake-up call,” said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) at a meeting on the labor market between the government and the social partners on Tuesday in Vienna. He emphasized that the Crown Commission’s risk rating – the current placement was decided unanimously – was not testimony. The federal government invites representatives of the regions affected by the Orange connection to dialogue on Wednesday. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) announced this on Tuesday. He also made it clear that the change of traffic light does not mean that the measures are automatic.

In the explanations of the 19-member commission, it is stated that for the orange districts “no further measures are necessary in the field of events because the corresponding measures of the Relaxation Ordinance have to be implemented and the mandatory prevention concepts must be applied. “. In the Commission’s view, no further measures are necessary for the education sector, as there is currently no indication that the education sector is substantially involved in the expansion.

There are no mandatory measures for orange districts. High-risk regions are asked to intensify the protection of healthcare centers and hospitals. Screenings should also be increased, older people should be protected and preventive measures should be put in place in certain places such as markets. The commission also recommended restricting events in closed societies without a security concept.

The coronavirus semaphore went live two weeks ago, but now it seems to cause more confusion than clarity. There is no legal basis for further adjustment. Therefore, the wave of orange and yellow switches is less dramatic than it seemed at first.

Anschober admitted confusion regarding the corona traffic light at night. He wants to go back to “simpler and clearer communication.” “That was sometimes a little confusing and sometimes a little too much,” he said on “ZiB2” on Tuesday. At the same time, he urged the population to adhere to the precautionary measures of the crown.

When asked if the traffic light was badly implemented, Anschober replied: “We try to react correctly in a serious situation.” The traffic light is an extensive and highly qualitative assessment of the situation in the crown. It was always planned in such a way that the expert commission carries out a risk assessment and the government “decides the measures at the end of the day.” “But we have to be clearer and easier in communication. That was sometimes a bit confusing and sometimes too much.” Traffic lights will not be changed every week in the future.

Anschober made an urgent appeal to the population to “find the way back to basic measures in a consistent and responsible manner.” Because the numbers “with us have increased dramatically.” “We have forecasts that make us very thoughtful.” One of the calculated models assumes up to 1,300 new infections per day.

Simulation researcher Niki Popper from the Technical University (TU) also warned of a second wave in the ORF “Report.” This “is there when testing, tracing and isolation are no longer working.” “The numbers indicate that we already have a problem,” Popper said, confirming his “press” statements that “the test-trace-isolation strategy is collapsing.”

There were more than 6,000 active corona cases in Austria on Tuesday for the first time since March. In a 24-hour comparison, there were 764 new infections. These figures show “how necessary this wake-up call is and how successful are the additional measures that are mandatory since yesterday (extensive MNS in closed rooms and reduction of participants in events),” he appealed to the population.

Meanwhile, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen called for discipline in the fight against the corona virus. You have to “do everything possible to avoid a second lockdown,” Van der Bellen said on Tuesday. A lockdown would be “extremely damaging” to the economy and employment. “I call on all people in Austria to adhere to precautionary measures so that we can keep the pandemic under control during the next flu season,” said the 76-year-old man. “Now is the time to take another deep breath for the last third of this strange marathon of the pandemic, the end of which we all long for, of course.”
