SPÖ wins poll of Vienna elections


SPÖ increases in the Vienna survey and you can trust Ludwig’s good personality values.

The SPÖ is still below the 39.6% target value of the last Vienna elections in 2015, but the change appears to be made. In the current AUSTRIA survey (Research Affairs, 400 respondents, from April 20 to 23), the Greater Party increased again, specifically by 3 percentage points to 37%.

Michael Ludwig himself also wins: when asked which candidate would be chosen in the event of a direct mayoral election, 43% of the respondents declared the head SPÖ. He is 20 percentage points ahead of ÖVP boss Gernot Blümel. A strong personality campaign could bring the Reds closer to their latest election result.

“Assuming that municipal elections are held in Vienna on Sunday: which party would they choose?” (Research Affairs, 400 questions).

Remarkable: A coalition of “colorful” mayors against Ludwig would no longer have a majority with just 47%. There would only be if FPÖ or DAÖ joined, which the Greens will reject.

Specifically, the ÖVP is currently in second place with 23%, a plus of three percentage points compared to the last poll and would be more than double than in the 2015 elections. Behind Deputy Mayor Hebein’s Greens with 17% .

“Suppose you can elect the mayor of Vienna directly: who would you vote for?” – 43% said Ludwig (SP) about this question.
