After decades of war and international engagement, Afghanistan continues to seek a peaceful solution. What went wrong, what do Afghans think? The “Presse am Sonntag” has collected votes in this regard.
Assassinations, murders of journalists, skirmishes between government troops and insurgents and attacks with US drones that repeatedly kill civilians. After decades of war, peace still seems a long way off in Afghanistan. In reality, the United States wanted its troops back from the country by the end of April. US President Donald Trump had agreed to withdraw with the radical Taliban. But the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, doubts. He is pushing for an agreement between the Afghan government and the Taliban leaders. An agreement will be negotiated at a meeting in Turkey in April. Russia plans to hold its own conference on Afghanistan in Moscow on March 18. But how did the endless Afghan tragedy come about? And what do the people of Afghanistan think about it?