Kocher focuses on employment measures – Coronavirus –


Vorarlberg Live

Labor Minister Martin Kocher visits the study

Labor Minister Martin Kocher visits the “Vorarlberg Live” studio.
© Screenshot VOL.AT

Labor Minister Martin Kocher spoke on “Vorarlberg Live” on Thursday about short hours, the unemployed and unemployment benefits, as well as the “Corona labor offensive.”

In an interview with VOL.AT editor-in-chief Marc Springer, Labor Minister Martin Kocher explained why unemployment figures in Austria have risen so sharply. The reason is the structure of our economy, says Kocher, and it means the great economic importance of tourism and gastronomy in Austria.

Europe is still in the top third of unemployment figures, but by comparison it is no longer as good as it was before the pandemic. If the gastronomy and tourism sectors accelerate again, there will also be an automatic improvement, says the Minister of Labor.


The “Corona Job Offensive”, a qualification program primarily for people who have become unemployed, is designed for two years and is the largest qualification program that has ever existed in Austria. In particular, the aim is to target areas where, as expected, there will be higher demand after the crisis, such as in the care and health sector, in digitization or in the area of ​​climate and environment. Almost 40,000 people are already taking the appropriate qualification measures, according to the Minister of Labor.

Short-term work should become more specific

Short-time work will also be necessary after the second trimester, but in a more specific way than before, predicts Kocher. They are currently debating under what conditions and in which industries it will continue to be necessary to work short-time, naturally also taking into account the pandemic situation. However, the goal should be to re-create jobs as soon as possible and take appropriate action.

Increase in unemployment benefits

In principle, it would make sense to discuss a new unemployment benefit system, says Kocher. This should be addressed after the crisis. He hopes that a system will be found in which unemployed people can find work more quickly and are better protected.

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