The Health Ministry sent an amendment to the law for review on Wednesday night. These are the contents:
Teachers, kindergarten teachers, and public officials will need to be tested for the corona virus in the future. The old option for those who refuse to test in professional groups with a lot of customer contact to work with an FFP2 mask as an alternative is no longer available. This provides for an amendment to the law that was sent for evaluation by the Health Ministry on Wednesday night. This also makes it easier to prescribe exit restrictions. The review runs until March 9.
30,000 euros fine
Anyone who organizes events for commercial purposes and does not respect a prohibition in accordance with the Epidemic Law will be sanctioned in the future with a fine of up to 30,000 euros or six weeks in prison depending on the presentation. Participants in prohibited events must deliver up to 1,450 euros. Organizers who do not obtain a permit or do not meet the requirements can expect 3,600 euros or four weeks in prison.
Four person event
The options to intervene in meetings are also recently regulated. If so far the focus has been on the “confluence of larger crowds”, in the future there will be at least four people who will be considered an event. This applies to both the public and private sectors, with the latter making it clear once again that there are no controls at home.
Exit restrictions will be easier. Until now, these could only be imposed if the health system threatened to collapse or in “similar emergency situations”. Shorter restrictions, such as night curfews, should now be possible if contact tracing can no longer be maintained due to the uncontrolled spread of the virus.