The longstanding demand of the opposition must be met: the ÖVP wants to establish an independent federal prosecutor. The reason for this is the investigation of the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office against Finance Minister Blümel.
The implementation could be successful, because the SPÖ, the Greens and NEOS have been asking for a corresponding position for many years, but have not yet been able to win the People’s Party for it. The decisive question will likely be whether the federal prosecutor goes to the top of the chain of instructions or stays with the minister.
The reason for the ÖVP initiative is evidently the investigation of the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) against the Minister of Finance, Gernot Blümel (ÖVP), which recently led to a house search of the head of the department despite a situation suspicious that it wasn’t entirely too clear.
ÖVP problems with the WKStA
Of course, neither the Blümel issue (or only in a minor aspect) nor the WKStA is addressed directly in the broadcast. August Wöginger explains all sorts of things that this prosecution had made headlines with in recent months: the illegal home invasion at the BVT, causing international damage to Austria’s image, a complaint against a journalist and mutual wiretapping. and complaints within the public administration that allude to the ongoing conflict between the WKStA and the Attorney General or Head of Section Christian Pilnacek.
Last but not least, there have always been leaks that have led to media proceedings and have led to prejudice from innocent victims, Wöginger writes. Other countries would not have these problems. Therefore, the ÖVP wants to take an example from federal prosecutors in Germany and Switzerland.
Double control of prosecutors
Regarding the implementation, the head of the club believes that there should be a discussion with lawyers, judges, prosecutors, academia and parliament. The objective is a double control of the prosecution offices by the judges in preliminary proceedings and parliamentary control, whatever is understood by the latter. In Germany, in addition to the competent minister, the Federal Council also participates in the appointment of the Federal Prosecutor. Serves as an officer who is not bound by instructions.