In 2020 there were 44 reports of ghost drivers in Carinthia. This corresponds to a decrease of 17 percent compared to the previous year. Most of the drivers in the opposite direction were registered on the A2 Südautobahn.
CARINTHIA / AUSTRIA. The previous year there were a total of 346 reports of oncoming drivers in Austria. This is a decrease of 71 reports compared to 2019. It is the lowest annual total since 1994. The main reason is weaker traffic due to the corona pandemic. The decline was particularly evident in spring and from November. In a comparison of the federal states, Carinthia ranks fourth with 44 reports the previous year.
No fatal accidents of oncoming drivers
Fortunately, there was no fatal accident with an oncoming driver in 2020. This was the last case in 2015. In 2019, however, one person was killed in an accident with an oncoming driver. According to the Home Office, there are a total of seven accidents involving oncoming drivers, including one with personal injuries. For the first time since the searches began, no one was seriously injured in an oncoming driver accident.
Most messages in A2
The A2 Südautobahn remains the highway with the most oncoming drivers with 68 messages. In relation to the total length, the majority of the oncoming conductors are located on Mühlkreisautobahn (A7) in Upper Austria (17 oncoming conductors over a length of 27 kilometers). So in 2020 there will be the highest density of “ghost drivers”. The A7 in the Linz area is the most reported stretch of the motorway (16 drivers in the opposite direction).
More ghost drivers on weekends
The strongest month of 2020 is October with 43 reports, in April, during the first crown lock, the fewest is counted with 15 ghost drivers. The day of the week with the most ghost drivers is Sunday. Also in 2020 there are more ghost drivers on weekends than on weekdays. During the course of the day, 2020 oncoming drivers will be evenly distributed throughout the morning, afternoon and evening.
The ranking in detail:
1. Lower Austria: 67 reports (2019: 101)
2. Styria: 66 reports (2019: 93)
3. Upper Austria 65 entries (2019: 50)
4. Carinthia: 44 reports (2019: 54)
5. Salzburg: 32 entries (2019: 32)
6. Tirol: 30 registrations (2019: 30)
7. Vorarlberg: 21 entries (2019: 10)
8. Burgenland: 14 entries (2019: 14)
9. Vienna: 7 reports (2919: 10)
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