Italy postpones the opening of ski slopes due to Corona – Coronavirus –


Italians still have to wait for that: slopes open later

Italians still have to wait: slopes open later

Italians still have to be patient with skiing. Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza signed an ordinance on Saturday postponing the opening of the ski slopes scheduled for January 7-18. The government gave in to pressure from the scientific committee that advises the Ministry of Health on how to deal with the coronavirus epidemic.

The government had passed an anti-Covid ordinance before the Christmas holidays. This provided for the closure of the ski facilities until January 7. Ski facility operators and northern Italian regions are strongly calling for ski facilities to be started.

After the end of the Christmas holidays on January 6, Italy wants to use the traffic light system again in the fight against the corona virus. This provides for the classification of the regions into three risk zones. In the yellow zones, unlike the other two risk areas, the bars can reopen during the day.
