Anschober: “I wish you a Merry Christmas even during the pandemic, in the smallest of circles and with consideration for one another!”


Tips for Christmas during COVID-19: Define Christmas group, test, oral and nasal protection, distance, hygiene and ventilation. All of this brings us a safe and healthy vacation.

Vienna (OTS)

  • Let yourself be tested before Christmas!

For a large number of people, Christmas is associated with visits from grandparents, parents and relatives, but also with good friends. In addition to great joy, this also carries the risk of spreading an undetected or not yet broken infection. Therefore, many federal states offer the opportunity to get tested for COVID-19 at no charge in the days leading up to Christmas. In any case, take advantage of this opportunity before visiting relatives at Christmas to minimize the risk of unconsciously infecting loved ones. In any case, selected pharmacies still offer the option of rapid tests. These are paid, but in addition to a result, you also get a clear conscience so as not to endanger your loved ones if you visit them at Christmas.

  • Celebrate your Christmas party only with your closest family and friends!

Meetings of max. 10 people – regardless of the number of different households – possible. Even if this sounds appealing, we ask that you reduce your Christmas party to the required number of people. Especially when visiting grandparents or meeting members of high-risk groups, this year special attention should be paid to making them as sensible as possible.

  • Define a “Christmas party” and celebrate with just this.

Try to use Christmas days to define a group with which you will celebrate your Christmas and avoid switching between different groups. This can definitely help prevent any infection from spreading to large numbers of people. We also ask that you refrain from meeting with various groups, both indoors and outdoors.

  • Take advantage of the technical advantages.

Even at Christmas, try to avoid long trips with family members and physical contact as much as possible. Take advantage of technical progress and let yourself go to other Christmas parties, for example, by phone or video conference. Install the Stop Corona app now, if you haven’t already.

  • Keep meetings short.

Even if exit restrictions do not apply on December 24 and 25, try to keep the celebrations as short as possible. The longer many people from different households are in a confined space, the greater the chance of transmitting any infection. Protection for the mouth and nose is also available for added security at Christmas.

  • Regularly ventilate your premises during the Christmas holidays.

To avoid the possibility of COVID-19 infection at Christmas gatherings, we ask that you ventilate the premises regularly during Christmas. This must be taken into account, especially if there are a large number of people from different households in a confined space.

  • Use current circumstances to start new traditions.

Many people remember their own traditions for the Christmas festivities since childhood. This also usually includes having Christmas dinner together and distributing gifts by the Christmas tree. Most of the traditions are passed on to their own children, which is why several generations often get together at Christmas. To avoid large gatherings, you can try starting new traditions this year and make larger gatherings or gatherings of children with grandparents or members of high-risk groups more thoughtful. Remember that an FFP2 mask offers additional protection here. For example, a Christmas walk in the park or a hot tea in the garden with enough distance from each other are ideal.

  • Also at Christmas we recommend “keeping your distance and being careful”

Christmas is the festival of love, appreciation and sensuality. Even if it is difficult, it is particularly important when several people come together to always observe the recommended safety measures. In this regard, we ask that you: Stay at a reasonable distance from each other, wear snug mouth and nose protection if possible, and disinfect your hands regularly. No gift is more valuable than showing consideration for one another and making sure your loved ones stay healthy.

  • Always use your own dishes.

At family celebrations, people like to try other people’s food or drink. In either case, this harbors the possibility of a possible infection being passed on. Therefore, always use your own cutlery and glasses.

  • Other types of appreciation.

As a token of affection and gratitude, we are used to hugging our fellow men. Especially when we pass out Christmas gifts, we like to express our appreciation with warm hugs. In times of the current pandemic, we also ask you this year to express your appreciation in a different way. For example with a smile and words of thanks.

  • Protect your relatives in the retirement home!

Even if it is particularly difficult at Christmas, it is best to have as little contact as possible during this challenging time. Therefore, do not collect your loved ones to spend Christmas together at home. Be aware that a single infection that you bring with you into a nursing home or nursing home can have devastating effects on all residents, but also staff. Use electronic aids or visit family members at home, under regulated conditions to protect all residents. Visits to the nursing home are allowed on a limited basis between December 24 and December 25 inclusive: on these days, two people from the same household can visit a resident twice. Take advantage of the free possibility to test in the federal states in advance, pay attention to the distance during your visit, wear an FFP2 mask and exercise special caution.

Queries and contact:

Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Attention and Consumer Protection
Margit draxl
Press officer
+43 1 711 00-862477
